The Day of the Dragon [42]

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Everyone started to cheered as they deflated the blimp ships.

"Sink the ferry. No one's getting of this island." Jay said.

Boblo known as the master of nature used his element to command vines to drag the ship into the ocean.

"The palace and sleeping quarters are all clear. Still no sign of Chen and Clouse." Cole informed.

"What about Skylor?" Kai asked worried.

"She wasn't able to pick her family, but she was able to pick her friends. And since you're her friend, that means so are we. We'll find her." Lloyd said.

"He's right. With no way off the island, it'll only be a matter of time." Cole said.

"I'm proud of you five. You've done what the original Elements Masters never could: stick together. But you must not rest on your laurels, for your guard is down when your sleep. " Garmadon said.

"Hey, dad." Lloyd said making Garmadon and the others look at him.

"Yes Son?" Garmadon asked.

"Where's Madison and Riley? I haven't see them after we took the palace." Lloyd said.

"Yeah I been wondering that as well." Kai said.

Garmadon smiled softly knowing that those two where worried about the girls." Their with Nya so don't worry so much." Garmadon told them.


                              [With The Girls]

"The island is secure. We destroyed the elemental staff and Chen's attempt to turn his army into Anacondrai had rolled up snake eyes." Nya explained to Master Wu as the two sisters where in the truck with Nya.

"Good work, Nya." Wu said.

"How is Zane?"

"He's good.  A little different, but then again, aren't we all?" Nya said.

"The bounty is nearly finished. As soon as it's done, we'll come by to pick you up." Sensei Wu informed.

"I look forward to coming home to see you two."Nya said then the falcon came and typing on the screen making the sisters giggle.

"You mean you three, Nya. " Riley laughed.

"You guys! You need come out we know what's Chen is!" Jay shouted.

As the girls and Nya came out of the truck." Chen's figured out Skylor's powers can finished the spell. She's in danger." Tuner said.

"Figure that he will just used his daughter to complete the spell." Riley said out loud her sister however smack her against the head.

"Ow! What was that for!?" Riley shouted at her sister and rubbing against the back of her head.

"I just felt like to do it." Madison shrugged as the others just sweat drop as they where watching the two sisters fight.

"Where?" Kai asked ignored the two girls.

"Other side of the island." Tuner said.

"I'm going after her," Kai said as he went towards the buggy.

"We all are.  Jay, Zane you take the mech and buggy. Cole and I will take the roto jet Riley you go with Kai, Lloyd you've got your dragon take Madison with you. Nya how fast will she go?" Garmadon asked Nya.

"Fast enough." Nya said.

"Everyone else stay here and guard the camp. Let's get a move on!"

"Watch out for booby traps. Chen's rigged this whole island." Nya said.

"Read you loud and clear." Jay said.


                                (Skip Time)

"Madison what's wrong?" Lloyd asked as they flew trying to find Skylor.

"I'm just worried about my sister you see her element is like Skylor's what if Chen takes her element!?" Madison said.

"I won't worried about that remember Chen couldn't take yours or your sister powers." Lloyd said.

"Yeah, maybe you're right." Madison said. Then suddenly they got an alert from Kai and Riley.

"They found Skylor!" Madison said.

Lloyd guided his dragon back to camp making Madison yelp how fast he was going.

Nya and Cole capture more of Chen's guards.

"Still no sign of Chen?" Karloff said

"He has escaped but we'll find them." Cole said then turned around to find someone." Did Zane ever return?"

"Metal men? I have not see him." Karloff said.

"Where's my sister?" Madison asked as she didn't see her sister.

"I thought she was with Kai? Wasn't she?" Jay said.

"Dad!" Lloyd shouted as he saw his dad he run straight towards him and give him a huge.

"I don't see, Skylor, or  Riley or Kai." Garmadon said

"They said they where on their way." Shadow said then suddenly Garmadon groaned in pain.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Lloyd asked, Madison came to see what's happening.

"His Anacondrai tattoo is glowing I think I did that they got caught and now they are completely the spell." Madison said.

Indigo and the Sky Blue: The Tournament of Elements Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz