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Nico POV

Who knew Will was so kinky? Nothing...compromising happened though. We honestly just ended up playing Monopoly, among other board games, the whole time. It was fantastic. 

Those sorts of things kinda freak me out.  And honestly, that level of intimacy freaks me out. Will knows that. I really like how he respects that. I can tell he wants to do it though. Will, however, is really good at waiting for things. Our relationship proves that. I found out Will has had a crush on me since he was 12. I'm pretty sure I didn't even know he existed when I was 12. Will kinda reminds me of a poison dart frog. Innocent and sweet looking, but don't you dare mess with him. It will not end well for you. As I have found out, Will is a force to be reckoned with.

I looked down at him, watching his chest rise and fall with every breath he took. It seemed relaxing. I lay my head on his chest. It was. And really soothing too. I sat up and looked at my little sunshine. Even in his sleep, he seemed to almost glow. I guess it was a Apollo thing. You know, being the sun god's kid and everything. I laid my head back down on his chest, absorbing the warmth when Will spoke.

"Will you just settle down?" He teased.

"You're so restless."

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, chagrined.

"Baby. It's fine." Will assured me, stroking my hair. Well, he wasn't quite stroking it. It was more like combing it with his fingers. He was teasing out the knots that had formed in my hair while I was sleeping.

"You love my hair don't you." I teased.

"It's so soft. And silky. And cool. And glossy. And thick. And long. And smooth. And it relaxing." Will protested.

"So I have a legit reason."

"Or two. Or three. Or eight." I countered.

"Whatever." He muttered under his breath.

Actually, I really didn't mind Will playing with my hair. I loved the feel of his fingers tugging gently at the roots of my hair. It was relaxing for me as well. I felt stress I hadn't even know was there ebb away. Will's feathery breath caressed the back of my ear. It took me a little bit to realize that he was singing. Those damn Apollo kids. They will never stop.

"We don't have to take this, back against the wall. We don't have to take this, we can end it all. All you'll ever be is the faded memory of a bully. Make another joke as they hang another rope, so lonely. No one's gonna cry on the very day you die." He growled, as of reliving a bad memory.

I reached out, subconsciously, to his pain. It was sharp. This was a wound that had never healed. I was trying to get a sense of who hurt him so profoundly.

"Austin." He spat, answering my silent question.

"He was relentless. It was like the lower I fell, the higher he flew. But I don't see why he had to fly even higher. That guy was like a frickin' plane compared to the rest of us. He was a popular guy, who bullied the geeks into doing his homework for him. Hell, I had to do it, numerous times. And I get straight C's." He admitted.

"Will. School may not be your thing. No, you are not a geniuses. No one ever asked you to be. You, however, are the best doctor I've ever seen. And trust me, I've been sent to many. Of all kinds. Pediatricians, psychologists, dermatologists, therapists, dentists, shrinks, you name it. None have even come close to what you can do. Shut up. It's not 'just an Apollo thing'." I cut off his rejection. "You are freaking talented, and if you won't realize that, then I will realize I for you."

Will's POV

That was... amazing. Especially coming from someone as pessimistic and snarky as Nico. I hardly ever see him so passionate about something. Or someone. True, I had never been good at school. But I did work hard at my doctoring skills. That's how I had become counselor of my cabin. I wasn't the oldest. I mean, I was 16, but not like the oldest kid there.

"Will? Are you OK?" Nico wondered.

"Just dandy." I sarcastically responded, scowling at Nico. It wasn't fair. I shouldn't take my anger out on him. It wasn't his fault. This kid probably had his share of bullies. More so, even.

"Vent. You need to. Pull a Nike and just do it." Nico almost begged.

"I hate Austin. Not just for me. For every kid he had been a jerk to. For every kid who had been pushed around by him. Who had been knocked over by him. Who had been tripped up by him. Whose life had been a living Hell because of this kid. Hate isn't even a strong enough word to describe the anger I feel towards him. The aggression. The loathing. The desire to burn his flesh to crisp, but not enough to kill him. No. I want to hear his tortured screams as the fire consumes him. Watch as he sees his own flesh ripped apart piece by piece, as filters feast upon his body. No, I don't want him to die. I want him to suffer eternal pain, an unending misery. Unrelenting agony, a taste of what he's done to us." I worried I had gone too far. Then I saw the malicious gleam in Nico's eye. He most likely had several people he wanted to damn into eternal torture too. He probably had whole sections sectioned off, reserved by name for the unlucky souls who happened to cross him.

"I turned this kid into a ghost once." Nico commented.

"It was fun, in a twisted, sadistic way. I'm also a pretty sick, twisted, sadistic person myself. Masochistic as well. Am I wrong for finding most people's joy to be fake? Masks they put on to hide the wounds underneath? What if we were real with each other? What if we didn't lie? I heard this story once. It went like this. 'We had a plan to build a wall. A great divide that would never fall. To separate us from all the pain. To keep our skeletons locked away. And brick by brick we built it so thick, that it blacked out all the sky and all the sunlight, and one by one, we all became numb. We were making the bullets to a broken gun.' It kinda stuck with me, you know? How pain makes us who we are. It kinda digs a hole, it makes room for all to good to come. But sometimes, the good never comes. Anger fills the hole. Hate and rage settle in too. Soon, there is no room left. So then the pain comes, to create more space. Now the joy is even farther away while the aggression creeps ever closer. It becomes a vicious, unending cycle, one that will follow you to the grave." Nico rambled.

"Nico. There will be good. You may be stuck in that cycle right now, but I will get you out. I'll save you." I promised. "I'll save you."

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