The Invitation [35]

Depuis le début

The man lead us to a table and give us a menu when we heard.

"A new ninja?"

"Are you crazy!"

"Come on, Zane's irreplaceable!"

"Those voices they sound like the ninjas!" Madison exclaimed I cover her mouth as people looks at us weird.

I look and saw Chen's men the leader shoved the people that were in line to the ground and demanded the cashier hand over money.

"We need to help him!" I said.

"But how we don't have element powers." Madison pointed out.

The Gang demanded more money however the cashier had none to give.

"Oh okay that's it!" I shouted as I suddenly went to the Gang and kick the leader as he slammed to the wall.

"Ha! take that!" I exclaimed.

"Behind you sis!" I turned around to see my sister who kick the other boy who was in the gang.

I look at the ninjas." Uh, boys we could use your help after all are you the ninjas?" I questioned.

Kai's P. O. V.

As we just stood their as the two girls who where kick buts I was staring at the girl who was wearing a purple hoodie, who was fighting and damn she hot.

"Uh, boys we could use your help after all are you the ninjas?" She said.

"Excuse me, it's not polite to touch someone else's food!" Cole said.

"I'd listen to him if I were you. He's no fun to be around when he's hangry." I warned them.

The leader tried to punch Cole but failed Cole stopped the attack with his chopsticks and motioned for them to try again.

At every attempt the leader made Cole stopped him with his chopsticks.

I jumped up on the side of the conveyor belt but however the leader pushed a button and the belt moved faster.

Then the two of the members jumped and I started to kicked the plates of the food in the faces.

"All right, I admit it. We make a good team." I admitted as I continued to kick the plates of the food then the girl jumped and started to help me.

"Need help?" She asked I couldn't tell because she was wearing a mask but I nodded.

As we continued fighting Cole took pieces of food off the plate that were flying past him.

"Everything's better on a full stomach." Cole said happily.

But then the leader he was fighting punched a plate that had food on it.

"Hey! I was gonna eat that!" Cole shouted.

Cole threw the leader who landed on the belt face first in the bowl of noodles.

Then that girl knocked down both of the guys down and the two slid down the belt.

"How can you walk away from this?" Lloyd asked.

Then the Gang ran out the door.

"Hey, let's get them, guys!" Cole said going to find the gang.

I look around but didn't see the two girls." They're just h-" I was cut off when Lloyd called out.

"Kai! Come on!"

"Alright coming!"

Riley's P. O. V.

As we headed out the restaurant Madison saw a fortune cookies," What is it Madison?" I asked her.

"A cookie." She replied and handed to me.

"Uh, fortune cookies?" I asked her, she only shrugged I then opened the fortune cookie.

"It's a message from Chen!" I said.

"Okay, but what does he want from us?" Madison asked me.

"What do you think idiot the Tournament of Elements!" I told her.

"But we don't have elements?"

Then I remember how I when I woke her up." I remember how I woke you up!" I said she was confused.


"So, try to make something or anything." I said as she then out of nowhere she disappeared.

"What th- -" I said in disbelief.

"Woah!" I jumped suddenly and turned around to see her back.

"How, what? I'm very confused." I said.

"I guess my element is Time jump." She said then did it again.

"Please stop." I said as now I was dizzy.

"Sorry," She apologized.

"But what your power sis?" She asked me.

I summon a Crystal then think about a fire and suddenly fire came out of my hand.

"Woah." Madison said amazed.

I smirked and looked at my sister."Okay then let's go."

Words counted:1328

Indigo and the Sky Blue: The Tournament of Elements Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant