Dating Loki would include

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•Him calling you "love"

•Having a soft spot for you

•Reading the same books as him and then talking about them

•Braiding his hair

•Stealing his helmet

•Him kissing the top of your head

•Always holding hands

•Teaming up to prank Thor

•Visiting him whenever he gets locked up:
You walk to his cell, with Thor, your nerves out of order. Thor and you stop, facing your boyfriend, his eyes immediately meeting yours.
"Brother.. Y/n!" He smiles at you, walking up to the glass and placing his hand on it.
You place your hand on the other side of the glass, "How did you get in here this time? Did you disrespect Odin again?" You sigh, looking down.
"No. I was wrongly accused." He lies, making you shake your head.

•Cuddling him as you fall asleep

•Him comforting you

•Bothering him when he reads

•Sitting on his lap when there's no more chairs

•Raising hell together

•Being his queen and him being your king

•Steamy kisses

•Him disappearing when he's mad at you:
You watch as Loki vanishes, your arms crossing over your chest, "Real mature, Loki." You scoffed.
"You're being totally rude." He yells, far away from you already.

•Getting to see him smile

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