Dating Tony would include

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•Friday night pizza dates

•Spending long night with him in the lab

•Going to mess with his things but being yelled at:
"Ooh! What's this?" You ask, touching all over his equipment he just finished working on.
"Y/n! Don't touch that.." He sighed, prying your fingers from the machinery.

•Passionate kisses

•Helping him through his panic attacks

•Getting to see Peter almost every week

•Playing with his hair when you guys cuddle

•Getting your own suit (obviously)

•Long, passionate nights ;)

•Getting to deal with his divaness:
"Tony! Look!" You giggle, running towards him with your own iron man mask that you made.
"Wow, good job. Not as good as me, but, y'know!" He smirks, wrapping his arm around you and kissing your forehead.

•Loving hugs

•Saying "I love you" almost every 10 minutes

•Getting to drive his cars

•Spending time with him and Bruce in the lab

•Getting mad at one another and then apologizing hours later

•Taking on his music taste and vise versa (AC/DC is a must have)

•Lots of cuddles

•Getting to watch him and Happy train

•Spending your free time with Pepper and Nat

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