Dating Steve would include

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•Supporting him and Bucky (bucky comes with Steve ofc)

•Some PDA (holding hands and kissing mainly)

•Stealing his t-shirts all the time because they smell like him

•Sitting beside eachother during meetings

•Constant kissing (lips and top of the head)

•Playing with his shield:
You tossed the shield like a Frisbee earning a soft sigh from your boyfriend. He looks at you and shakes his head, "Babe, you know you can't throw it around like a toy."
"But it's fun..?"

•Fighting along side eachother on mission

•Gentle and lingering touches

•Heated kisses

•Cute pet names (Babe, Baby, Honey, ect)

•Training with him

•Dancing in your room together

•Cuddles of course <3

•Piggy back rides

•Being able to tell eachother anything

•Hearing him sleeply whispering "I love you":
He pulled you closer, laying his head on your chest, "I love you.." He mumbled, smiling into your t-shirt.
"I love you too Stevie."

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