How you guys met

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You met at one of his infamous Tony Stark parties. When he saw you, he immediately knew he needed to get your number and get hangout sometime.

You met through the Avengers. You worked for Fury, and you sometimes helped on missions and when you'd see Steve, his face would light up with a smile and he would gently wave.

You guys first met in Hydra, but since they wiped your guys' memories, you couldn't remember him until the Avengers helped you two.

You met when the Avengers formed. You were a trained assassin just like her, so you guys immediately clicked and hit it off at first sight.

You first met through Steve, a close friend from your childhood before the ice. When you met Sam, you knew he would be your future husband.

You met Loki when he was a prisioner at the Avengers tower. When you saw him in the cuffs, something in you told you to go speak with him. You soon realized he was just misunderstood and that you were falling for the criminal.

You met Thor through Bruce, considering you are his (brother/sister). Thor immediately asked you on a date, which you obliged of course.

You met Peter at school. Ned, Mj, him, and you spent time together after school as well where you four got closer and learned more about eachother. Peter always liked you.

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