Dating Bucky would include

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•Gentle kisses

•Teasing Steve together

•Watching old movies

•Gentle touches

•Two sides of Bucky- Loving and protective

•Decorating his metal arm:
You stuck the flower stickers to his arm, smiling widely as you finish putting on the last one.
"Bucky look!" You looked up into his blue eyes, regret filling his.
"Why did I agree this.." He sighs, "How am I supposed to look badass like this!"
"You're a princess now!" You joked.

•Helping him sleep at night

•Going to therapy with him to be supportive

•Sam and Steve being your best friends

•Loads of cuddles

•Being the only person to see his soft side

•Helping him through his nightmares

•Natasha taking pictures of you two being cute

•Pet names (Doll, Baby, Babe, Honey)

•Wiping eachothers tears

•Having lots of inside jokes

•Stealing his clothes of course:
"Is that my shirt?" He asked, eyeing you up and down, and smirk present on his lips.

•Being able to make him smile easily

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