Dating Natasha would include

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•Stealing her weapons

•Always holding hands

•Having dates at least once a week

•Loving kisses

•Getting drunk together

•Being close with Wanda and Steve

•Saying "I love you" a lot

•Cuddling while watching movies

•Teasing Tony alot

•Cracking jokes during meetings:
"Look at Tony's facial expressions" You hold your breath, trying to not die of laughter.
Nat leans down, hiding her face in your shoulder, letting a laugh slip.

•Constantly being around eachother

•Spending a lot of your time in her room

•Sleeping in when you don't have to train or have any missions

•Loads of kisses

•Helping her when she dyes or cuts her hair

•Playing with her hair whenever you're bored

•Whispering sweet things to eachother before falling asleep:
She cuddles close to you, her arms draped gently around your waist, "You're so pretty/handsome." She mumbles into your shirt.
"Right back at you baby." You yawn, snuggling into her warmth.

•Bullying eachother for fun

•Always complimenting eachother

•Apologizing right after an argument

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