Micheal Myers Rewrite pt.1

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Michael Myers
Credit: Me

My eyes danced around as the fall leaves crunched under me. Fear was truly put into me. I mean it wasn't real fare but I was still so scared. I didn't want to be caught

The fast pitter patter and the rapid speed leaves were being crunch scared me. I turned about quickly. He friend Ricky was quickly coming towards me.

I sprinted in the other direction. The fear of God was put into me. Lord knows how long he had been watching me.

"Bro go get Danny! Not me!" I yelled to my friend. He didn't say a word. He was only focused on getting me tagged. My breath was heavy from running.

Now that I though about it, I hadn't seen Danny in a bit. He was usually the one being caught. My mind couldn't stop thinking.

"Pause! Pause! Time out bro!" I said as I ran. I heard his feet stop. I stopped running and bent over. I panted quickly and looked behind me. He was in the same position.

I looked away. I heard another crunch but I thought it was just Ricky. I heard a gurgle and then a thug. I quickly turned and saw the body of my friend on the ground. My eyes shot the the murderer.

I gasped in surprise. It was Michael. I froze on fear but that didn't last long. I started to run and as quickly as I could. I could see a trail of blood to my left and I followed in fear.

I gagged as I say the most horrible thing. My friend Danny in half.. each of this organs decorated a tree like how you would on Christmas. I gagged again. His upper body was like the start on top of the tree. It was at the very top.

Tears ran down my face. I heard a crunch and 7 feet away. I turned around and saw him again. I ran for my life. My eyes blurred with tears I shed for Danny. I thought I was far enough away and hid behind a tree.

The man walked but somehow when you looked away, he was so fast. He was almost super human. The fear I felt made me tremble. I covered my mouth and curled up. I made sure to not make any noise.

My silent tears buried everything in my vision. I noticed something come into sight. I blue blur with a while thing on top. I wiped my face and it was him again. I couldn't escape. I yelled in fear.

"Stay away! Leave me alone!" I said while cornered against the tree. He came closer.. and closer.. and closer, just until he was right infront of me.

"Please.. have mercy." I said in my teary voice. I whimpered in fear. He grabbed my hair and pulled my up. I yelled in pain as I looked at him.

He walked with my hair will in his hand. I cried more as he brought me somewhere. My cries were quickly silenced with and punch to the face. He had knocked me out.

He dragged my body on the ground by the hair. My body gained scratches, cuts, and bruises from the forest. My tears dried on my face.

I groaned in pain as I woke up in a dirty bed. I looked around at the world around me. I was in a cabin. It looked, from the inside, abandoned. The cob webs took over the corners of the room. I gulped and got out of the bed. I tried to walk but I then fell over.

A shackle restrained me to the bed. I sighed and grunted as I got up. I got back into the bed. Loud footsteps came to the room and the door flung open. It was him again.

"No! No! No! Please!" I was obviously terrified of him. My heart raced as he just looked at me. His head tilted. His eyes were filled with curiosity and murderous tendencies.

He came close and pet my hair. His hands were rough. His nails obviously bitten off. I felt the jagged nails against my skin. I looked at him in fear. He towered over me.

His other hand took my chin and moved it to look around my face. He could see a few cuts. He then looked at my arms and could see the marks for the forest and others from my childhood.

He walked out of the room then came back with a med kit. He patched some of my scars. I sniffled a bit. My nose was stuffy from the fall season.

One of his hands brushed the hair from my face. I was scared. I didn't know what he was going to do to me and obviously he didn't talk. I looked in the eyes on the mask.
It was his blue eyes. They were so dark yet looked at with something I as only describe a passion.

The fear followed me every step of the way with Michael. It followed. He followed.

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