Kurt Kunkle

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(Some of you actually wanted a Kurt one. Thank you for telling me. I'm taking this as a half way request. I have been running out of Ideas. Thank you guys.)

I stumbled out of the door, drunk, hungry, and totally out of it. My friend held my side. She held me up with her arm around me. She put me onto the couch and looked at me worried. I groan and lay down on the couch.

"I wanna go home.." I say, dragging out the word home. Ashley shook her head. I head her head with her hand, placing her finger  on her eyebrows.

"Y/N you can't go home. It's late. Nether of us can drive. You're not going home." She says holding my me up. I sigh and role my eyes.

"Call a spree or something. You fucking duffus." I yank myself away from her and look at her, handing my phone over to her. I can't memorize addresses for shit. I don't even know my own.

"Fine. This is the last time I invite you to drink with me." She says to me. She eventually calls and she looks over to me, with an angry face. "Here's your god damn phone. The driver, Kurt will be here soon."

I recognized that name. I thought for a moment and remembered. I smiled. He was the killer spree driver I had been watching on Instagram live.

I opened insta, opening his live. He was silent for a moment and then smiled

"Guys we just got one more viewer. Hello viewer! Hope you enjoy today's live. I have a few new thing I'm gonna try on some people." He smiled big.

*time skip*

"Is this M/N?" I heard a man say. It was him. I practically ran to the car. I smiled at him ad nodded quickly.

"Yes, that's me. You're Kurt, right?" I questioned. Of course I already knew but why not let him talk more.

"Yep that's me! Also, my car had cameras in it for my protection. Just warning you." He rubbedbthe back of his neck and smiled awkwardly.

I got into the car and looked at the cameras. The live was still on my phone. The viewers started going crazy and pointed it out. Kurt looked at his chat and then me.

"You're viewing... How long have you been?" I asked nervously. I could see the sweat building up on his forehead.

"Oh I've been a view for months. I did think I would ever get you tho. I thought it was a coincidence that my driver was named Kurt." I quickly closed out the live.

Kurt started the car. I kept on seeing him look at me through the rear view mirror. I gulped a bit, sitting there awkwardly.

"What's your name on insta?" I jumped at the sudden voice and looked at him. I was a but worried about the whole situation. I mean he his a murderer.

"It's [username]. I don't mind you looking me up btw. I don't post a lot. Usually when I remember that I can post and don't have to enjoy other people's content." I chuckled slightly.

I saw him nod his head in silence. It was a but awkward. I had left the live. I picked st him nails a bit. I had a bad habit of it. I was nervous. I hoped he'd just drop me off.

"So... are you gonna kill me?" I said as I gulped. It felt like my collar was choking me slightly. I pulled it, adding to the obvious nervousness.

He laughed lightly and looked st me from the rear view mirror. I could tell me was smiling by looking at his eyes. There was sparkle in them.

"Oh of course not! You're a loyal follower of me! I don't and won't kill people who follow me." I looked past his seat and saw both his hands on the steering wheel calmly. He seemed okay.

"I was a bit worried.. sorry for assuming." I smiled lightly

"No worries. I understand. I kill people and you know that but you know it's all for the fame. You are someone who takes in my content and causes my fame. I wouldn't kill you. In fact what if we worked together. Looking at your page, you like some of the same things as me. You game somewhat but most of all, you like horror. That's the thing I'm looking for, y/n.." He said with a sinister smile.

I was extremely surprised. He wanted me to join him. I couldn't believe it at all. I smiled but them realized he was wanting me to kill people with him. I started to think.

"Listen you don't have to. I mean I would appreciate it but I can always find someone else." He said. He sounded caring. Kurt had never acted this way to someone. He was usually pushing someone for sex when he found interest in someone but this time he actually cared...

A smile formed on my face. "Let me think and I'll dm on insta when I've come up with my answer. I don't know if I'm ready to kill someone. I've thought about it but because of my anger issues. I just need to think." I put my hand on his shoulder from behind the seat.

I felt him place his hand on mine. I could see his smile from the window. I giggled a bit as turned away.

We pulled up to my house after a 5 minutes. Kurt finally let go of my hand, still smiling.

"Text me later, cutie. You know that @." He laughed

"Bye Kurt. We should hang out sometime and maybe off camera. I'll text you later." I said while getting out of the car. I closed the door and waved good bye. I walked to my house and smiled back at him before entering the house.

I looked at my phone and gave him 5 starts and a 10 dollar tip. I types a note on the rating

'Cutest spree ever. Do recommend. <3' I giggled as I set that on the review.

I couldn't wait till I could meet him again

Male characters x Male readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang