Eddie Munson

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Your Pov:

"Y/N~! Where are youuu?" Eddie said as he dragged out my name. We've been playing the same round of hide and seek for a hour and he refuses to give up. I don't even have the patience to stand for 1 minute while waiting for my leftover spaghetti to cook.

"Come on and come out." He hear him close. He already found everyone else. I'm not giving up. He is actually quite terrifying when he's competitive. He wanted me to come out, fine. "I'M GAY!" I yell. It would give him a hint and it was kinda funny. It's clear he already knew that though. I hear him rush over into the room. (Everyone is at Steve's house btw)

I cover my mouth to stay extra quiet but it didn't really help. He walk past me and kept looking around. It was funny to me. I tried to hold in a laugh all the way. I don't know how he didn't see me. I was quietly laughing when all the sudden I'm grabbed and picked up.

"FOUND YOU!" He yelled and started laugh. I laugh along with him. I don't know what we were laughing about but it was nice. I love the way he laughs and smiles.

2nd Pov

"You have no idea how long I was looking for you. You are amazing at this for some reason." He puts you down and hugs you. You hug him back and smile. He's so nice. Actually I did. I mean I was the one hiding.

He looks at you and looks you in the eyes. You look back up at him and smile. You're still in his arms. He hands are on your waist. He leans in. You're inches away. You can feel each other's breath on one another. You lean all the way and kiss him. He's kissing back and grips your waist tighter.

You hear someone clear their throat. You look over and it's Steve. You and Eddie immediately push away from each other. You try to act normal and act like you weren't just kissing your boyfriend.

"Hey Steve." You say and laugh nervously. "So you guys are... dating?"
He questions. You look at Eddie and He looks at you. Both of you look nervous. You nod a bit and Eddie sighs. "Y-yeah. We are." Eddie says in a monotone voice. All of us already knew about Robin but you didn't completely know if he was okay with gay men. "Cool. Just wanted to know. And if you guy do plan on doing anything, I have a guest bedroom." You felt a weight come off your shoulders and then realized the last thing he said.

You instantly you start blushing. 'This bitch did not just' Your thoughts were cut off by Eddie's voice. Eddie smirks. "Thank you Harrington." He winks at you. "Y-yeah, Thanks Steve." You mutter. Steve turns away and walks off.

Eddie pulls you back in. He puts his forehead on your and looks you in the eyes. He smiles and kisses you. "You know, we could use that guest bedroom." He recommended.

You laugh nervously and blushes. "I'm not sure. I mean what if people hear?" You question him. He kisses your cheek and whispers in your ear, "Then they can deal with it. They can just put on some music and tune it out. We're just trying to have fun." He leans down and kisses your neck. "If you're not ready, that's fine. I'm not trying to pressure you into anything. We can take our relationship slow and steady. It's all up to you darling." He says and pulls away from your neck. You kiss him and hug him.

"Thank you for actually asking instead of just assuming I want to. I've had some miscommunications like that with past boyfriends." You lay your head on his shoulder and sigh. "I don't I'm ready for that right now. I mean I love kissing you and making out but not really anything further than that right now. Maybe in the future." You say. He smiles and pushes some hair out of your face. "Alright darling. I'll wait for you. I would wait until the end of my days. No amount of money could stop me from waiting." He proclaims.

You smiles and kiss him. "I love you Eddie Munson."

Word count- 732

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