Be mine # R.A

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TW: blood. (Not so much mentioned)
AGED UP! He's like 17-18. FIRST STORY!

#10 Robin Arellano

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Robin Arellano.
"I love you too idiot"...

Robin and you have been together for more than 2 years now, you've lost count. It makes your heart burst everytime you think about the time you guys first met.
"Hey whats your name?," Robin asks and your mind went blank. He looked really pretty, you thought. "Oh... I'm Y/n," you smiled. "Nice to meet you, amiga. Wanna be friends? You seem really fun," he stated making you happy because no one would ever would approach you for the first time.

Ever since then, they became amazing friends but then one day...

"hey," he smiled brightly to you. You loved to see his smile, it always shines up your life like you could see it for ages. You went up and hugged him. "Hi," you replied back. "Hey so uh, im actually planning if you wanna go to the park together, just us. Without Finn. Like a da-" you cut him off. "Of course! I mean yes...sure!" He was melting inside and by the time he turns on his back, he smiled like an idiot.

However, that one day. That day, he went missing. It changed your entire life. Gwen noticed how distant you were from her which made her felt bad. But of course, not everything has a bad ending. You saw him a few weeks later, looking for you like a lost sheep. Poor boy. He looked at you and you looked back. You squinted since you were not able to see properly. "Robin? ROBIN!", you screamed and ran over to him. He kissed your forehead and hugged you tightly. "Ouch", he groaned. You were worried but you noticed his hips, bleeding profusely. "I need to get you in the hospital," you insisted. "Fine," he finally agreed and you called the ambulance.

You had to go to the hospital almost everyday. Sometimes you even fall asleep with him. Little did you know, he adores you sleeping. Everytime, he finds you cute sleeping, you seem so peaceful. Sometimes he thinks he's the luckiest person ever, like he has just met an angel. Eventually there was a report that his injury got severe after a few days later.

The nurses had taken good care of him. Apparently, they think someone has stabbed him or he has been bitten, and it looks like it. You may know who it is. However, all in your head now was Robin. You couldn't even go inside his sickbay room anymore which made you even more worried. Sadly, you just had to look at him outside. Sometimes you guys even make some signs which makes both of you guys laugh. "How are you?," Robin mouthed and you tried to read his mouth. Since you couldn't make out with what he was saying you shrugged and he just made hand signs making it even funnier.

Its been the 5th week. Robin was still staying in the hospital. Suddenly, you saw the doctor in his room. You hoped it was nothing serious. But by the looks of it, both robin and the doctor, looked really miserable, especially the doctor. You hated the anxious feeling but you ignored it and tried to brush it away.

A few days later, when you came in the hospital again, it was not as crowded as before but you saw him trying his best to walk perfectly fine again. You were jumping for joy inside and Robin saw you. He smiled brightly walking to you as he limped and you were running to him. "You, you're walking normally again!," you exclaimed to him. He pecked you on the lips before replying with a yes. "How are you feeling?," you asked examining him. He looked around as you stood, confused why. "I'm fine," he confirmed. "I have to tell you something though."
You nodded and continued to remain eye contact with him, smiling widely.
"So when you saw the doctor coming in my room about two or three days ago, he announced that I might never recover sooner or later again. He said that I was losing a lot of blood. I was nearly on the verge of tears because all I thought of was you. You were the first one to come up in my mind the second he mentioned about my nearby death. Not even my uncle, cousins or friends but just you," he mentioned and his eyes went teary. "Robin," you mumbled as you felt your face heating up like tears were about to drop any second. He knelt down all of a sudden and you realised what was going to happen. "And I just want you to know that I love you. I really wish I can afford a ring right now but," he stopped for a while taking a deep breath and removing his bandana from his wrist. He opened your hand and you calmly accepted it as he puts the bandana in ur hand, closing it back again. "But please, fucking marry me already. I wanna be happy with you, forever," he finished himself. "Are you serious? Yes yes and yes," you said and you bent down giving him a kiss. "I love you too, idiot"

"And i loved her forever."

hii i really hope this wasnt so bad :) I was inspired by my bestfriend<3 thank u sm for 2k btw! Ily All and stay safe, always

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