A Citizen's Duty//Chapter 85

Start from the beginning

Conis presented the gondola with a smile, "It's called "Karasu-Mary.'"

Faythe raised a brow, "Little crow..? You mean like the ravens from the Arcus Story?"

Conis scratched the side of her cheek with a slight blush at being caught, "I was a kid..."

Luffy was still at a lost, "HUH!!! NO WAY!!!"

Sanji couldn't help but sigh, "A crow... It's not even a seabird..."

Conis laughed lightly, "I used it until I became able to control a waver. It's a little slow, but it has two breath dials onboard. Please use it as you wish!"

Luffy instantly turned around and started waddling towards the much better gondolas, "No... That one is better!!"

Conis then started to stutter nervously, "...You... You dislike it...? I'm sorry... But... Those are for rent... I don't have the money to..." She waved her hands frantically.

Sanji twirled around and nailed his boot into Luffy's nose, "YOU UNGRATEFUL JERK, APOLOGIZE TO HER!!! SINCERELY APOLOGIZE TO CONIS-CHAN!!!!!" He then stomped his boot down again for good measure, "YOU PIECE OF TRASH!!"

Luffy could barely formulate the words out of his mouth, "Oh!! I'm... Sorry!!!!!" He choked out.

Faythe stepped away with Usopp as they stared at the scene with a bit of fear of being the next victim of Sanji's boot.

Conis cleared her throat and pointed over to two giant arcs that would be exits, "The exit is the No. 2 Gate. You can get to the Upper Yard by connecting with the Main Milky Road. That's the only way..." She trailed off weakly as her finger slowly rested by her side.

Luffy had calmed down and stared Conis dead in the eye, "Hey Conis....?"

"Ye... Yes...."

Without even a strain, Luffy talked in an even tone, "How come you've been shaking... Ever since we left your house?"

Conis' breathe hitched as her figure stiffened at the blatantly truth.

"Does... It look that way...?"

Luffy rubbed the back of his head as he glanced at Faythe, "Yeah. Fae has a habit of sticking close to a person whose afraid of something and unconsciously becomes a safe barrier."

Conis whipped her head towards the red head who stood beside her. Even Faythe looked a bit unnerved.

"She's been with you this whole time, even when I try to show her something cool..." Luffy pouted for a moment.

Sanji twirled over and clasped his hands together, "Conis-Chan~~~!!! You must be worried about us~~!! I'm touched! Yah!!"

Usopp instantly back handed the cook.

Conis being uncomfortable with how close the man was, unconsciously step back behind the red head.

Usopp then turned to Conis with his head tilting, "But... Will you be alright? The others on the street were clearly avoiding us. Yet, you led us here... And lent us your boat... Wouldn't that make you a criminal like us?"

Luffy then suddenly got way into Conis' personal bubble, "You know, your face looks kinda pale..."

Faythe felt herself get annoyed, "Luffy—" She was cut off by the latter again.

"You should've told us if you were that scared. We could've come here by ourselves."


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