67 - Broken Record

Start from the beginning

No matter who you're with, being shot at is never a good sign.

He knew that, they boys knew that. But Remus was trying to keep them all positive and well... in delusional hope.

"How can you say that?" Sirius questioned, "Fury just died, in front of us, might I add. Currently things really don't seem like they're going to plan." Sirius refuted, choosing to wallow and concentrate on all the bad thoughts unlike what Remus was trying to do. Sirius didn't understand the point in lying to himself or trying to do so. He knew there was something wrong, it was obvious. Hearing the boys try to deny it only frustrated him further "It's stupid to think otherwise and you're not stupid Moony, so don't act like it."

Remus shook his head, not wanting to entertain Sirius' small outburst or better yet his temper tantrum. "Sirius!" He exclaimed, noticing how his words sunk the other boys' moods significantly. "You can't say that! You don't know."

"I thought you were supposed to be all wise and knowledgeable Remus. Either use your brain or shut up!" Sirius snarked bitingly, pushing himself off the ground and breaking the circle they had previously formed around the phone. His feet hit stubbornly off the ground as he marched over to the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him.

Remus couldn't help but be annoyed. Even though he denied it, he still sometimes felt a little anger towards Sirius for the events on the full moon. He always felt so ashamed and childish for feeling that way - despite it being more than valid. So times like these he easily got heated. "Childish." He muttered mockingly under his breath to himself, his eyes staring at the now locked door to the toilet. He then turned to Peter and noticed his obvious panic, "Don't worry Wormy, it's Harlow after all. She'll always come back to us."

Peter nodded softly, "I mean she did quite literally come back at the exact time we needed her last time. You know- when Sirius... never mind." Peter agreed, quickly trailing off as he brought up the sensitive subject.
The boys had silently agreed to not bring up that dreadful night. None of them wanted to injure their friendship by the topic coming up when it wasn't needed. "Sorry." He muttered quickly, flashing a sympathetic look at Remus.

Remus simply shrugged, pushing it aside like he always made sure he did. He couldn't linger on the situation otherwise all he'd be left with was hurt.

"He's just worried about her." James quickly intervened in defence, feeling the need to have Sirius back and defend his actions like he usually would. "He just really cares about her. I mean you remember how happy he was after he spent time playing Quidditch with her. Or when he couldn't stop staring at her during the Christmas dance. He spent the rest of the night moping after Harlow left. Or how Sirius insisted on dancing with Harlow on New Year's Eve and the welcome back party." James listed, rambling as multiple memories popped up, of all the times Sirius was left grumpy after the redheads disappearances or her lack of attention to him.

Remus narrowed his eyes of James, curious if he had put together the same conclusion as himself. There was only one reason why Sirius thought constantly of Harlow. There was only one reason why the boy felt such a large need to be around the girl. Sirius liked her, and more than a friend. The way he looked lingeringly at the girl was enough to give it away to Remus. "Yes James, and what does that make you think?"

James' eyebrows furrowed. "What'd ya mean Moony? Sirius cares for Harlow like the rest of us. He just gets wound up easily." He answered, managing to miss the subjective tone Remus used.

Remus sighed loudly, his hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "For fuck sake." He whispered quietly, once again disappointed by his friends general lack of observation skills.

James hadn't heard Remus' words and shot him a cheeky smile before standing up. "Love it when I'm right." He muttered teasingly, gloating as he started to walk over to the bathroom. "I'm gonna check on him." James stood outside the door for a second, rapping his knuckles against the door. "It's James."

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