Passionate Weather

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It was a gloomy day, but that wouldn't stop Elizabeth. She was walking along the lush meadows of Pemberley when she found herself smiling.

Life truly was wonderful.

She had been Mrs Darcy now for around 6 months, and her life with her husband was exactly what she hoped for. She was happy, so incredibly happy that she found her cheeks aching most days from smiling constantly.

She was happy because she and all the people she loved was well. Her sister and parents were doping well. Jane was already expecting, but she had only told her husband and Elizabeth that, it was early and she didn't want to upset anyone if the pregnancy didn't last past the early months. Elizabeth had told her not to worry, to shout it from the roof tops because she was sure that they would be blessed with a beautiful, or handsome, baby. 

But, she was most happy for selfish reasons. She had a fine husband, one that drove her mad sometimes with the things he would say and the way he would push her sanity to the edge. They would clash often, both head strong and full of a need to be right. But with that heat, came passion. And there was plenty of passion. Arguments soon turned into the clashing of lips on lips, teeth grazing skin, sheets gripped in hands...

Mr Darcy was sure to have been expected many places since they had been wed, he was a well sort after man. But cancelled the majority of plans to spend time with her. She respected him for that, for putting her first. She didn't think many men did that.

She had been walking for hours when the heavens opened and a downpour beat against her clothes soaking her to the core. Stopping, she glanced up at the grey sky, letting the water beat against her face. She turned around to head back, and found herself much farther away from home than she realised. With the grey sky and fog growing thick around her. Trying to see through it, she realised quickly that she had no idea where she was.

With a groan, she ran to a large tree hoping that it would provide some shelter from the relentless rain.

Which it did, barely.

She leaned against the tree waiting for the rain to pass, but as the time ticked by and the sky grew darker, it was clear this rain was here to stay.

What should she do? Have a guess of her whereabouts and make a run for it? She would be sure to catch a chill and come down with the flu if she did, but what else was there to be done? She couldn't sit out here all night. The cold and the rain would get her, if that didn't sort her out, maybe some dark stranger passing by in the woods, with not so honourable intentions when it came to a damsel in distress, would. Glancing around nervously, she shivered at the thought.

Suddenly, she heard the unmistakable heavy trot of a horse hooves not too far away. Ducking behind the tree, she peered around carefully to see if she knew the rider.

"Elizabeth!" Mr Darcy bellowed into the darkening night, and her heart leapt with joy at the sound of his voice.

"I'm here!" She shouted and ran forward away from the tree into the opening so that he could see her.

The horse galloped towards her, and when it reached her he jumped down and caught her in a tight embrace. Pulling back slightly, he took hold of her face and it was then that Elizabeth noticed how wet he was. His dark hair stuck to his forehead, his eye lashes thick with droplets of rain. His lips shone with how wet they were, making Elizabeth want to lick her own lips. "What on earth were you thinking, walking so far away on a day like this?"

"I didn't realise I had travelled so far, I just lost track of time-."

"I was so worried." He interrupted, his voice so raw and pained it made her stop.

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