Hand Flex

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*Hello! Sorry, so these chapters aren't going to be in the same order as the book/film/TV show, I'm just writing the scenes that i want too when i want to. I might reorder then when i'm done! Anyway, here's what i felt happened during the hand flex scene and the thoughts going through their heads.*

. Mr Darcy stood by the door as Mrs Bennet and her four daughters made their way to the carriage. Mr Darcy always thought himself a well mannered man, but something about Mrs Bennet's attitude towards him made it hard for him to keep himself together. She clearly did not think highly of him, made even more obvious by her cold stare as she passed him to only beam a wide grin at Mr Bingley. He held in the annoyed sigh that he longed to release.

Mr Bingley was all blushed, smiling as Mrs Bennet showered him with thanks and gratitude.

"Oh Mr Bingley, how can we ever repay you for looking after our dearest Jane. She looks so remarkably well, dare I say she has recovered here better than she could at home." Mrs Bennett praised as she gestured to her eldest daughter. Jane instantly blushed at the remark, aware of all the eyes now resting on her face.

"I highly doubt that Mrs Bennet." Bingley replied sheepishly, "I am just so glad you're feeling better Miss Bennet."

Jane smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Mr Bingley. "Very well." She agreed.

Mrs Bennet rushed towards the carriage, beckoning her other three daughters to follow while Jane and Mr Bingley walked slowly towards the carriage behind them. "Don't be a stranger, please Miss Bennet. I do think I shall miss having you here to visit so freely."

Jane blushed a deeper shade of red and looked away.

Mr Darcy studied her carefully. She was definitely agreeable to look at, he could see why Mr Bingley was so taken to her. Though, in his eyes she was no competition to her sister Miss Elizabeth. But, he would never admit to that out loud. Darcy could see that Mr Bingley was clearly affected by her more than she was to him. If he had a ring available, he was sure he would be on one knee without too much hesitation.

"I shall miss seeing you too." Jane admitted, her voice quiet.

A loud bang behind Mr Darcy diverted his attention. With a jump, he looked behind him and found Elizabeth leaning over at the bottom of a grand staircase, muttering to herself as she tried to collect her belongings that had fallen from her bag. Mr Darcy looked back and saw Mrs Bennet had stopped and looked at the noise, when she realised what had happened her eyes fell on him in the most disgusted stare.

With a soft sigh, Mr Darcy made his way to her, crouching down to help her retrieve her things. She looked up at him, shock plain on her face. "I'm quite capable of managing this alone." She told him.

"I'm sure you are Miss Bennet, but nevertheless here I am to help." He dismissed.

"Why, i just said that i can manage-,"

"You see," He interrupted, "your mother already dislikes me enough as it is, i fear if i did not help you then she would find a way to make my life a misery." He said it lightly, hoping she would understand that he was only teasing.

Elizabeth looked behind him and saw her mother craning her neck from the carriage to watch them. She gave him a little smile and nodded in agreement. "I fear you'd be right Mr Darcy, best carry on to please her."

As he gathered her belongings, he felt glad that he was learning more about this woman that plagued his mind all day and all night. The soft bristles of her hair brush against his fingers, her dark hair tangled inside it like a web. Pieces of clean white paper, yet to to be written on. Even a couple of books, some he was sure Mr Bingley had allowed her to keep from his library. Darcy read the title of one of the books, turned it over a couple of times in his hands as they stood up together. He handed all these items back to her and she took it cautiously before depositing them back in her bag.

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