a silly memory

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There was this one time I was in call with both of you, we had been talking for a while and I got distracted
I made a mistake, one I got yelled at for, I wore my headphones downstairs because you two were singing, I didn't have time to mute myself, I don't know how much you heard but I was horrified, I was so afraid you'd heard, I took my headphones off in the middle of it so I didn't hear your reactions either

I was crying when I came back, not bad enough that you'd notice, but I think you could tell In my voice, I can't say for sure

You were so nice about it, I hid on my room for the rest of the day, I did nothing but listen to you, I only talked every now and then because my throat ached and my head hurt, we watched a silly movie together, it was great, it made me feel so much better

I don't think you know how much that meant to me, you two were so kind, I don't know how much you heard, I was so mad at myself for letting you hear that, maybe you didn't hear anything, maybe the yelling was too far away, maybe the microphone picked up nothing but the rustling of my clothes

Whatever the case was, you being there afterwards helped me inmensly, I can never thank you enough, I love you both, so much

[September 7, 12:43pm]

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