kind of cringe tbh

6 1 0

[May 4, 2020, 12:42am]

Tittle: why are my hands like this

BB: Do you have any idea how much will power it takes for me to have a clear form
BB: I mean no of course you don't
BB: My whole being was broken, shattered and scattered through space
BB: I can't feel my own body anymore
BB: that's why my hands look like this
BB: I'll never look like a real human again, this form is only the manifestation of my own self concentrating in one single point of existence
BB: I'm not really here
BB: if I were my younger self this wouldn't even be possible
BB: and if that version of me somehow managed to achieve what I have now with such a weak mind, they would be incomplete


Same oc from last chapter, they were omnipresent
I hadn't forgiven my younger self yet, I had no one to blame and I didn't want to blame myself anymore, so I blamed them
I have a lot of skin problems which manifest mainly in my hands and sometimes my legs, this time it was my hands, I didn't have fingerprints, this usually gets worse when I'm stressed

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