25 | turning point

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trigger warning:
sexual assault content ahead
please read at your own discretion


I think I am going to be sick.

I am hurting everywhere physically. My throat feels dry no matter how much water I drink, my body is shivering often, and the center of my forehead has a headache. I think I have caught a cold.

As Dawson and I walk into the lobby of the hotel, I find myself pinching between my brows in distress.

A bellboy comes running to us before we can enter the private elevator.

"Mr. Bell! Mr. Bell!" he yells breathlessly as he slides to a stop near us.

Dawson and I exchange glances as the young boy finds his breaths back. He straightens when he looks up at us with nervousness written all over his face.

"What's the matter?" Dawson inquires, putting his hands inside his pockets.

"Mr. Bell, I thought you should know..." the boy says, glancing at the open elevator behind us. "Miss. Delacruz is in your penthouse."

"What?" I am startled by the news. "Who gave her the password this time?"

"We're forced to, Mr. Bell," the boy confesses. "She threatened to sue us. Said she's your fiancee."

"Didn't I tell you idiots that Carter doesn't have a fiancee?" Dawson rages, stepping before me to glare at the young man.

"Yes, Mr. Brown, but Miss. Delacruz's father is Mr. Bell's business partner. She threatened that we would be out even before you arrived. I have been waiting for you to come in so that I could warn you, Mr. Bell."

The boy speaks frantically. His legs jitter under him as he faces the large, bulky frame of Dawson. I can see how scared he is right now. The security who work for me probably thought it would be a good idea to send the kid to take my wrath instead of facing me themselves.

I could have yelled at them but fortunately for them, my body isn't allowing me the strength for that.

Exasperated, I turn to Dawson. "You know what to do."

"Change the damn password again," Dawson grumbles, stepping away from the elevator and letting me enter.

I type the password and the doors shut.

Inside, a sickly reflection of myself greets me in the metal elevator doors. I think I have become paler than I was this morning. Even my body sways a little in the reflection. I just want to have a change of clothes and go to bed.

Maybe I will call Amaya and let her know I am sick before that. After the weekend we had together, she would hopefully take mercy on me and come to take care of me like the gorgeous soul she is.

Now I hope I get sick.

The elevator stops, the doors open and the voice I hear makes me squirm.

"Carter! You're so late..." Molly shrieks, causing me to cringe.

I step out of the elevator to find her sitting at my private bar. She has an unopened bottle of champagne before her which doesn't seem to be from my collection and is wearing the sluttiest dress I have ever seen her in. It is practically a lingerie that is making her boobs spill out.

If her father sees her like this, he would have few things to say considering she is paying a visit to me.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Molly?"

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