08 | third parties

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"Who the fuck gave her my passcode?" I growl at Dawson who is trembling as he follows me to the private elevator of the skyscraper.

Once the elevator shut after us, I turn to see my reflection in the doors of it. I cannot blame Dawson for being scared. I looked stupidly pissed.

"She got it from security. No one stopped her, sir," Dawson informs with a voice that shakes.

"Why is that?"

"Because she said she was your fiancee."

His hands are clasped in front of his body and he is giving me a side-eyed look to see if my anger has dosed down a little.

It hasn't.

Molly ruined my whole day. All I had planned to do today was spend the day with my son and my girl. Her appearance is right now the greatest disappointment of my life.

I can't even express how embarrassed I was when I had to run out of the apartment without letting Amaya know what had happened. She must think of me as a coward. I didn't even get to see Parker play with his Toy House after all the time I spent finding it yesterday.

"What kind of security gives my passcode to people? Which hell hole did they come from?"

"They have been working here for years, sir."

"Well, tell them that their service has just ended. I have no need for fools in my building. Hire an entirely new team and make sure they never make that error again."

"Yes, sir."

The elevator pings, stopping at the twenty-third floor. I type my passcode and the doors part. My first glimpse is of a stylized, modern black couch at the center of the hall in which the pain in my ass is sitting with a glass of Virgin lemonade in her hand.

Molly Delacruz has her legs perched up on the couch as she meets my eyes.

"You're late, Carter," she says with a sly smile.

I step into the penthouse with a hand in my pocket and the other fisted by my side.

Molly had once been a good friend, a source of calming me when things happened to go wrong over the five years but after she met my grandpa, her intentions changed.

She is dressed in a dress that barely sticks to her body. Her tanned skin glows when she flips her black hair over her shoulder, giving me a glimpse of the new butterfly tattoo she got on top of it. Her heart-shaped face is pulled into a smirk while her brown eyes shine with mischief.

"Miss. Delacruz, hope you had a pleasant journey," Dawson says, trying his best to maintain civility with the woman he knows is close to my family.

"It was very pleasant, Dawson," she replies, then flicks her gaze to me. "Until I came here to surprise Carter and found him to be gone. Where were you, Carter?"

My fingers dig into my palms harder while my eyes narrow at her. I lift a hand and gesture for Dawson to leave us alone. He nods and then proceeds back to the elevator. The doors shut, signaling Dawson's departure while I remain alone with Molly.

"This is an interruption of my privacy, Molly. You've committed a trespass," I grumble with sheer annoyance.

"Oh, come on, Carter. We both know that someday I'm going to be your wife, which means whatever's yours, is mine."

Not hers. I am already married in my heart to a woman who hates the sight of me. That woman being the one I left alone again without any explanation.

Amaya would be supremely pissed at me if she finds out I had to leave her and Parker for this Daddy's little bitch. Mr. Delacruz has been our most profitable business partner for all these years but now he has started to force into turning this relationship into something more personal.

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