chapter 8

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thirteen seventeen

7:02 PM

Hello guys...

Can I ask you something? ヾ(•ω•')o

Seen by Lee Jihoon, Wen Junhui. 7:03 PM


You: Can I ask you something? ヾ(•ω•')o

Seen at 7:13 by Lee Jihoon, Wen Junhui, DK loves pizza, ro4r, and 8 others.


Read. 7:42 PM


THIS IS SO PAINFUL. Well, well?! Are they even my brothers? What were they doing..!? I was just about to ask them out for beer, and-- ARGH!

I sighed and went out of my room to grab something for a midnight snack. WELL, I'LL GO WATCH ON MY OWN, HMF.

"Oh, Chan!"

Wow, really, hyung? After you just left me on read? 

"Want beer?" Junhui asks. 

Awe. AMSDFGEHWJANXKL I couldn't contradict it! But I'm angry, so maybe, eh, pass.

"We're planning to watch a movie. Minghao and Wonwoo. You in?"


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