chapter 7

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"Will this do, hyung?"

Mingyu and I were helping each other when one of my BEST hyungs broke my freaking bed frame. I mean, this one is really expensive! I got this from IKEA, and there's no way I can afford one once again!

"Yeah, please hold it still, you move so much, we'll mess it up," he cracks up laughing while trying to stay strict.

Usual him, a puppy trying to be a big bad wolf.

"You guys are such poor morons. You're a big-time star yet you can't afford a bed frame? There's a cheaper version of that, why are you sticking to that DIY that isn't even aligned on the wall?" Minghao asks dryly.

I rolled my eyes and smacked my face on my bed.

"Are we still going to continue this? It looks okay though," Mingyu says nonchalantly, as if it was really OKAY.

I sighed when I realized it looks ugly. Yeah, not gonna lie, it looks really ugly. The block of wood doesn't even matches the color of the original frame!

"This is stupid," I disregarded him.

"It does," He laughs.


"Do we still have pomegranates?"

"Hyung, I can get you some, I'm heading out," I volunteered when Wonwoo asked Jun, peeling lemons in the kitchen.

But Wonwoo IGNORED me.

Jihoon laughs at me when he noticed it too.

"Yah! He's here, you know?" Jihoon was tearing up.

Wonwoo looked at me, blinked twice. We both cracked up laughing when he was just staring at me.

"Hyung! What was that for?" I wheezed.

He ruffled my hair, "I just enjoy pissing you," He chuckled.

I sighed. "You guys do not really love me. It's all a lie, now I could see,"

Jihoon and Wonwoo exchanged glances, glaring at me in-sync, before walking out.


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