chapter 4

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"I promise, I'll be careful," I smiled at my manager.

"Please don't give me that smile, Chan. It's not really assuring," He sighs with a chuckle.

"I swear! I'll be twice as careful," I playfully winked.

"Ah, whatever. It's not like I can stop you from doing what you want,"

"Huh? I'm not always doing what I want!" I immediately countered.

"Yeah, yeah," He rolls his eyes before turning around.

Well, I'm planning to visit that café I went to three days ago. There's this cute girl.


"Huh? People here does aegyo?" I uttered when I saw what it says on their signage.

"The staff does," my manager says.


I was startled when a man-younger than me-greeted us when he opened the doors. Wow, he is cute. My manager and I gave him a nod and a smile. People here seems to be bright!

"What's yours, Chan?" He asked me as we fall in line.

"I'll go order for us, my treat, heh,"

He playfully rolled his eyes. "Great, Chan. That sounds really nice since this is the first time," He shook his head, holding back his laughter.

He loves iced americano, so I decided to get two for us.

"Annyeong," The girl in the counter greeted me dryly.

Wait, why isn't she as jolly as the one from the entrance?

"Um, hi," I said politely, reading her name from her tag. "... Han Yu-jin," I gave her a small smile.

"Okay, sir, may I take your order?" She asks, like earlier, very dull.

I arched a brow accidentally out of being a bit offended-not much, but it has been my habit-I pursed my lips to contain my small laughter.

"Give me something you like," My mouth spewed the wrong words. What the hell was that? That's not how I flirt! Wait, I wasn't even flirting!

"I would like to know what is your order, sir, there are other people waiting in line," Polite, but it sounded a bit sarcastic when she said it.

I sighed. "I know, which is why I'm asking what you like since I don't know what to choose," I excused. "Besides, you're a barista, you know what's best,"

Wow, I feel like a real adult now!

"An iced americano," She says.

That is so common! She's being very pale on purpose.

"Um, where's mine?"

My eyes widened when I realized, I forgot to buy one for my manager! I forgot to tell her to make it two!

Ah, I'll just say my stomach suddenly felt upset.


"Annyeong- Dino?"

Her eyes widened when she saw me walked up to her.

"You still remember me?" I asked. Well, she did write my name on the cup.

"Um," She was stunned. "Do you still want a cup of my recommendation?"

That was unexpected. Well, "Sure!" My lips formed a small beam."What makes you so joyful now?" I placed my hands on top of the counter, my face somehow is leaning forward.

"Um," Her glance shifted sideways to check her surroundings. "I had a problem last time... I know it wasn't a valid excuse because you're my customer, but I know that I was rude. I'm so sorry," She looked upset.

"I'll treat you today to make up for that. Is that okay?" Yu-jin asked with a small smile on her lips.

"You don't need to-"

"Oh, look, it's Lee Chan!"


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