Chapter 26 - Zero Toleration For Zaicim Sadness

Start from the beginning

You all decided to go to wolvendom after that. On your way there, you saw a group of hilichurls and a pyro abyss mage blocking the road. The abyss mage turned around to look at you in alarm when it noticed you. Instantly, it's shield began to form around it, and the hilichurls jumped up and pulled out their bats and crossbows. Dainsleif began to fight a shooter hilichurl, while Aether took a normal hilichurl with a bat, and a berserker hilichurl. An electro shooter hilichurl began to aim at Zaicim as Dainsleif and Aether charged for the hilichurls. You jumped forward and bit the electro infused arrow it shot before it could reach Zaicim. You spat the now completely normal arrow and charged for the hilichurl while Zaicim went for the abyss mage.

You jumped onto the hilichurls to do a flip against it, your hind legs pushing it backwards with anemo. "Hay Zai, look what I learned from Lisa!" You said as Zaicim looked at you while the hilichurl was being pushed away with your knockback III feet. Your gun floated out from under your bag and was beside you when you landed, and it instantly shot the hilichurl with a pyro bullet, instantly killing it. Zaicm gave you a happy close eyed smile and a thumbs up while his free hand threw an NNB at the abyss mage and made s small explosion. Fun fact, NNBs have now learned to control their explosions, and can manipulate how big or small they wanted the explosions to be. They also knew how to add single digit numbers now. How? Who knows.

The pyro explosion from the NNB was big enough to kill the other hilichurls, but it did singe the other's clothes a bit. When you were finished with committing murder, Paimon popped up again. "Phew, there sure are a lot of enemies around here." She said. "You say that as if you did any of the work." Zaicim said as your gun disappeared the way other character's weapons did. A golden yellow encased it and then it slowly evaporated away. Yahoo for Lisa teaching you how to do that, carrying something half your size with your paws can be tiring at times. "The closer we get to the target, the more enemies there are. Hmph, fits the abyss order's style." Dainsleif said as he stepped over a hilichurl corpse to walk over to your group. "We should hurry and find lupas boreas." Aether said. "Yeah, let's go!" Paimon said with her hands on her hips.

"I'm... not going any further." Dainsleif said. "Don't you wanna overthrow the abyss order or something? Did you suddenly decide an overgrown rabbit and a blue gummy worm with armour was too scary for you?" Zaicim said while raising his brow. "Wait, maybe it's because he's scared of wolves!" Paimon said after gasping. "That's... probably not it." Aether said. "It has nothing to do with wolves. It's because Boreas was an ancient god, yet he willingly became a servant of the seven. I cannot possibly agree with such actions. I don't desire any interactions with him." He explained. "Oh yeeeaaah, you wanna leave us to do all the hard work because your an antisocial lonely emo boy. Didn't you say something about what good is it if you just avoid all your problems?" Zaicim asked. "I- *sigh* You have just as much attitude as that creator of yours..." He mumbled. "Don't be shy, speak up." Zaicim said condescendingly when he heard him mutter. "Nothing. I won't come further, but I will still help you with this. I just don't wish to interact with that god." Zaicim rolled his eyes at him and then turned around to continued forward.

"Dayum, you seem to be in a bad mood. Did the snickers bar not work?" You asked. "Sorry, sorry, the abyss order's plan to capture you just irritates me." He explained. "It's fine, don't worry about me. I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me!" He laughed as you said that. "I don't think they'd want to kill you, just turn you into a living battery with no regard to your existence as a living being." He said as he stopped laughing. "They can't get to us if we kill them first." You said while grinning. "Good point, with forty noot noot bombs and someone like you, I highly doubt even gods will be safe." He said while smiling.

You looked behind and noticed Aether had caught up with you. "Dainsleif went to clear out members if the abyss nearby. Jean was also there to deal with them." Aether explained as he walked beside Zaicim. "Mm? What did they say?" He asked. "Jean was just there to defend against the sudden members of the abyss order in wolvendom. But Dainsleif... Dainsleif gave us some interesting advice and more about why the abyss order does what they do." Paimon said as she floated by Aether's side. "So much of what he says contradicts what he already said. He says not to trust gods, but not to outwardly hunt them down..." Paimon explained. "He also said that the destruction of khaenriah by celestia was also the reason the abyss order wants to overthrow them." Aether explained with his brows furrowed in deep thought.

"Mkay." Zaicim said uninterested. "We tell you a big info drop on the abyss order, and you don't even bat an eye?!" Paimon said angrily. "Nope." Zaicim said monotonously. "Aagh! Paimon's so annoyed with you and wants to give you an ugly nickname!" She said while stomping her foot in the air. "I'll accept it since you wouldn't even be able to make a good one." Zaicim said as you and Aether snickered. "Hey! Don't you two start bullying Paimon as well!"

I hate being given positions of high authority. Too much responsibility and the school makes us dance too much qwq

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