Chapter 26 - Zero Toleration For Zaicim Sadness

Start from the beginning

The eye of the very first field tiller? Oohh, Paimon gets it! The abyss mages were looking for the special eye!" Paimon said happy woth her accomplishment. "It would seem so." He said. "Then let's fine the first eye before they do." Aether said with determination. "This whole thing's getting more and more complicated. But basically, it all has to do with that eerie statue of the seven we saw, right?" Paimon asked. "Yes. According to the talisman, the eye should be placed in the hands of the defiled statue, thereby imbuing the newly born god with the power to topple the divine thrones of celestia." Dainsleif said. "Oh boy, the abyss order sure isn't holding back with this plan." Paimon said worriedly. "I am afraid that is not all. There is one last thing mentioned that I can understand in the talisman." Dainslef said as he squinted to get a better look at the talisman. "They plan on regaining a lost project of khaenriah that was said to have been stolen after the cataclysm." Dainsleif said. "A lost project? Paimon asked with her head tilted."

"It's called, Experiment Hjarta. It-" All of a sudden, Zaicim kicked the abyss mage's body and sent it flying several miles away. Along with it went the talisman. "Wh- Zaicim! What the heck was that fo- ohhh you look very mad and Paimon's scared now!" Paimon said as she quickly hid behind Aether. You looked at Zaicim and saw he was giving the same glare you saw when you woke up in the direction of where the abyss mage was yeeted. He was seething with anger, and even the NNBs seem to be a little concerned. Keyword, a little. They only looked at him concerned for a second and then continued swarming you. "Why did you kick it so far... Dainsleif wasn't done reading." Aether said as he gave an intimidated look at the direction the abyss mage was yeeted. "Don't care. Let's investigate at mondstadt's church because the defiled statue was one of the drunk homeless bitch." Zaicim said as he harshly turned around to make his way to mondstadt, leaving Dainsleif, Aether, and Paimon to make their way to mondstadt pn their own.


You were at the stone gate, and you looked at Zaicim. He still seemed to be in a bad mood... just what exactly was Experiment Hjarta? Did it piss him off by stealing his snickers? "You okay? You don't seem very happy about Experiment Hjarta." You said as the NNBs had finally calmed down about you waking up. "No." He said coldy. "Can you... tell me about Experiment Hjarta? I may not be able to do much, but I can kill the shit if it bothers you si much." You said as he sighed and pinched his nose bridge.

"No... I... Don't do that. Experiment Hjarta is... it's what Rhinedottir called you before she knew your name. Whenever more official business was involved, you would always be called Experiment Hjarta. Weather it be conversations about what to do with your abilities to help the nation, or if it was in proper documents. Not to mention, me and Rhinedottir were the only ones that actively tried to call you y/n. Everyone else called you experiment Hjarta." He explained as you both stiffened.

"Wait wait wait wait, I was used for nation development?" You asked. "Yes, neither you nor Rhinedottir seemed against it at the time. I... I don't know the details but there was a plan to turn you into a living battery. That was the only one Rhinedottir outwardly refused. But she said she would allow it when you gained enough capacity to store so much energy without combusting..." He said uncomfortable with the subject. "Well... damn... Can I do that now?" You asked way too happy for him. "Wh- NO! YOU'LL DIE!" He yelled on the verge of tears.

"Don't worry, I won't!" You said as you smiled at him reassuringly. 'We don't tolerate sad Zaicim in this house.' You leaned against him to lay your head on his floofy hair."....Don't you dare try to do that behind my back." He said as you could feel a terrifyingly menacing aura come from him. "Have a snickers bar. You're not you when you're hungry." You said as you pulled put a nutty chocolate bar that looked similar to a snickers bar from your bag and shoved it in his mouth. You had Xiangling made it for shits and giggles in the future. Zaicm stared at it, before beginning to eat it and continued on, more relaxed than he was before.

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