IVE Preference #1

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If IVE Were Yanderes

NOTE: Since I've already written about Yujin and Wonyoung they won't be mentioned. If you want to read about them then go to IZ*ONE Preference #2



- She'd be quite possessive and doesn't let you go an inch from her sight

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- She'd be quite possessive and doesn't let you go an inch from her sight. Has quite a temper so it's best for you to behave or else she'll send you to her "special basement"

- She'd be a sweet girlfriend but also a psychotic and sadistic girlfriend at the same time depending on her mood

- Won't let you out of the house as she always views the outside world as too dangerous for a precious diamond like yourself

- Wishes not to harm you but at the same time will put you in your place if it becomes necessary


- Rei would be the typical Japanese Yandere

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- Rei would be the typical Japanese Yandere... She displays herself as a sweet and compassionate woman until eventually, she reveals her deranged side

- When she had first laid her eyes on you, she believed that your existence is solely to love her and her only

- Will eliminate any competition or anyone that dares stand in her way

- But if things go south and don't go her way... Nobody can have you


- Jiwon would stalk you 24/7 and memorize your entire daily routine from your house, workplace, classes, etc

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- Jiwon would stalk you 24/7 and memorize your entire daily routine from your house, workplace, classes, etc.

- Calculative in her approach, she would introduce herself at the right moment but she's quite shy making it a bit difficult for her to approach you

- However, once you accept her as your girlfriend, your life has been signed into her position and you cannot leave

- Besides, she always has security cameras placed all over the house and there are no blind spots. If you ever get caught, you'd be in a world of hurt


- The manipulative yandere, her cute and innocent looks make you suspect nothing of her until she reveals it herself

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- The manipulative yandere, her cute and innocent looks make you suspect nothing of her until she reveals it herself

- Makes up perfect lies and excuses to manipulate you into thinking you can solely rely on her for anything that you desire

- Even if she does something that is morally wrong, she just easily convinces you otherwise to cover up her tracks and maintain your relationship with her

- To you, she looked like a baby angel but it was too late when you found out her dark and twisted side

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