LOONA Preference #1

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Requested by: @WJSN4Lyfe


If LOONA Were Yanderes


Jo Haseul

- She would take care of you just like a mother would

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- She would take care of you just like a mother would

- That care would only be for you which you find weird but you never question it

- She would buy matching clothes and accessories just so people know that you are HERS only

- Doesn't want to hurt you since she loves you too much

- But she won't need to since you've already head over heels for her

- Never really interacts with anybody but you and her members


- The soft yandere

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- The soft yandere

- She would be too shy to interact with you so instead she follows you around

- You already make her day with your presence

- Doesn't want to kidnap you or drug you

- She would shyly ask you out normally

- Hates that other people interact with you 



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