||Chapter 8-Employee bonding trip pt 2||

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(reminder that the story line wont be the exact same as the comics :) )
(im also trying to make longer chapters so expect this to be a long one(😼)) (IT ALSO MAY BE A BIT SPICY NOT SMUT THO)

"Y/N! DAVE!" Jeremy yells and Dave whines and says 'ow'.

"Hm?" I grumbled.

I look up and Dave was rubbing the back of his head, I then notice the tap was right above him, if ya put 'em together, he clearly hit his head at the random loudness.

"COME ON WE HAVE TO GO! COME ON!" Jeremy runs over to me and grabs hold of my arms and pulls me out of the bathtub and drags me out of the bathroom.

He drags me to the living room and we start quickly cleaning and packing everything up.

"So, Y/n, Dave huh?" Jeremy says packing his clothes into his bag and smirking at me.

"What?" I nervously laugh, "Are you talking about?" I say in a higher pitched voice.

"Uh uh uh, don't play dumb Y/n. I see the way you look at Dave." He says zipping up his bag.

"I have no idea what your talking about." I continue in a high pitch voice.

"Y/n I know your lying, you literally just slept-"

"Good morning!" Dave bursts out of the bathroom cutting Jeremy off.

Jeremy looks at me and mouths, 'We'll talk about this later.' Then he throws his bag over his shoulder and waves as he starts heading out to the bus.

"What was that about darlin' ?" Dave asks grinning.

"Oh- uhm, don't worry about it. Go get your stuff." I point at his stuff that was spilling out of his bag.

I quickly throw all my clothes and stuff into my suitcase and I zip up the suitcase.
Dave does the same.

"Come on sweetheart!" Dave grabs my hand and we walk out the horrible motel and outside towards the bus that we were taking home.

We climb up onto the bus that everyone else was already on and I take a seat at the back at the window, and Dave sits next to me.

"Long way home darlin'! You can take a nap if yew want." He grins.

"Okay." I plainly respond and smile.

I plug my headphones into my mp3 and just play a random playlist, then I gently rest my head on Dave's shoulder and he rests his head on mine.


'I want to tell Y/n who I actually am so bad, but what if she gets mad? What if she hates me forever? Oh don't be stupid who could hate me


"Y/n? Y/n, wake up!" Dave shook me roughly.

"Whatttt?" I groaned annoyed shoving him to the side aggressively almost knocking him off of his seat.

"We're at the next thingy now." He grinned as his eye slightly twitched.

Oh, hello?  ||William Afton(Dave Miller) x Reader||OG VERSION||Where stories live. Discover now