||Chapter 3-First day!||

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"Y/n, wakey wakey, its your first day, don't wanna be late do ya?" William lightly shakes me.

He was already changed into his purple and yellow uniform? I dunno.

"I know, I know." He helps me sit up.

"I went out to FredBear's earlier and got you some uniform to. You don't have to wear one but i thought maybe you'd like one." He grins and throws the clothes at me.

"Hey!" I laugh, "alright, i won't be long."
He nods and heads downstairs.

I walk to my bathroom and got changed into my uniform, it was a purple shirt with purple pants and a yellow tie, the pants were a bit uncomfy, then i remembered i found (something like a skirt or jeans, etc.) in purple at a thrift shop once for only $7!

I quickly walk to my drawers in my room and grab them, then quickly head back to the bathroom and put them on.

I quickly finish what i'm doing in the bathroom, then i grab the tie and head downstairs.

"Hey Will! I couldn't figure out how to do the tie thingy, can you help heh?"

William hopped off of the couch, "Of course!" He walks over to me and i hand him the tie.

He starts tying the tie, "I like your (whatever your wearing) darling, they look nice on you."

My face heats up a little, "Oh, thanks heh." I awkwardly giggle.

"Done! Now let's go to work."
He grabs the keys off the counter and we head to FredBear's.

||Time skip becuz im so swag||

"We're here." William stops the car and we both hop out.
"Nervous?" He chuckles as i grab onto his hand.

"Obviously I am Afton, why wouldn't I be?" I awkwardly laugh.

"Alrighty then, let's go." He smiles at me.

We walk towards the entrance and William opens the door and we walk in.
There was so many kids running around, squealing and giggling, my ears hurt.

"We need to go find Mr. Boseman and see what he wants us to do." He says sounding as if his mood changed.

"Who's that?" I ask as I follow him down the hallway.

"He's our Boss, and he'll tell us what we need to do."

We walk up to an office that also had a gold nameplate that read, 'Boseman' on it.

William opens the door.
"Ah, Y/n! Henry told me about you, hello William." He smiles and shakes my hand.

"We were wondering what we both needed to do today." William doesn't look as happy as earlier.

"Uhm, William you will be working in parts and service and seeing if the animatronics are all working and good to go.. Y/n you will just be on floor staff, so, helping the kids, cleaning etc." He shrugs.

"Perfect!" I awkwardly laugh.

Should've mentioned I hate kids, to late.

"Great! William make sure to introduce Y/n to the other employees please, thanks." Mr. Boseman sits back down at his desk.

"Mhm." He rolls his eyes and brings me out of the room.

"Where's parts and service?" I look around.

"It's around the back, but you don't need to go in there."

"Okay?" I shrug.

"Ooh! Who's this?" A boy nudges William.

William groans, "This is Y/n, they're a new employee here."

I awkwardly wave, "Oh, well, hello Y/n! I'm Jeremy Fitzgerald!" He grins.

"hello.." I awkwardly smile.
He did not seem any older than 16.

"Hey Joan! Mr. Guy! We have a new employee!" He yells.

"Are you serious Jeremy?" William whisper yells at him, Jeremy just shrugs.

Oh for fucks sake.

I see two people hurrying over to the three of us.
How could they hear him over all the loud kids?

"Hi! I'm Joan! And this is Mr.Guy!" Joan smiles, "Hiya, I'm Y/n." I smile back.

"Hello Y/n, I'm Mr. Guy, my actual names Philip or Phil, but that's less professional, so please just call me Mr. Guy." He shakes my hand.

"Okie dokie." I smile at Phil.

||Time skip||

"Hey Y/n, have you seen my kids?" Mr. Boseman asks with a worried expression.

"Well, since I've never met them, no sorry." I chuckle, "But i'm sure they'll be fine." I pat his shoulder.

"Thanks Y/n, I'll ask the others." He weakly smiles and walks off.

The kids party was over, and I was cleaning up before we closed, the animatronics weren't on stage, so now I had the chance to clean the stage.

I walk over to the steps and head up them to start mopping the floor.
William showed me the janitorial closet earlier so that was helpful.

"Hey Y/n?" William walks up near the stage.

"Yes?" I stop mopping.

"Can you go take out the rubbish please?" He smiles cheekily.

"I was about to do that." I laugh

"Oh! Perfect then! I'll help you!" He grins.

"Okay!" I hop off the stage and grab the bags of rubbish, and I follow William to the back exit.

"Here we are." He opens the door and shows me the rubbish bins.

"There's some bags of rubbish that have fallen out of the bin!" I groan and open the bins lid.

I throw in the bags of rubbish that I brought from inside.

I go to grab one of the bags, it smelt so bad, "Ew! What is that!" I block my nose and lift the heavy bag.

I then see an eye looking at me threw and opening of the bag.

I squeal and drop the bag.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Henry rushes over to me.

"...Can you..check that rubbish bag..please.." My heart starts beating 10x faster than before.

Henry frowns confused but agrees anyways.
He slowly opens the bag and gasps in shock at what he saw.

||WORD COUNT-954||

Oh, hello?  ||William Afton(Dave Miller) x Reader||OG VERSION||Where stories live. Discover now