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Monday morning came and Layla was worried. After the encounter with Bruce at the diner, Vance's mood was unfortunately ruined. They didn't talk at all on Sunday and Layla felt empty. It was odd how dependent she had become on Vance, but he made her happy. Vance made her inhumanely happy it almost seemed. Layla bounded down the stairs and, surprisingly, Maria Emerson was home.

"Mom! You're home," Layla smiled.

"Layla, I need to talk to you," Her mother said seriously.

"What's wrong?"

"Please, for the love of God, make up with your brother."

Layla rolled her eyes, "Yeah, right."

"I'm serious, Layla. You two have done nothing but glare at each other and I'm tired of dealing with it! I don't know what you two did but apologize. "

"I'm not apologizing because I didn't do anything wrong," Layla said simply.

"Layla Elizabeth Emerson!"

Layla sighed heavily and rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

Billy came downstairs and immediately glared at his little sister.

"Enough!" Maria yelled. Billy looked at his mother in shock. She didn't get stern with them often.

"I already told Layla and now I am telling you. Apologize to each other. I can't take it anymore!"

"But she-!"

"I don't care! Apologize."

Billy glared at his sister and Layla glared back. They both mumbled out a soft 'sorry'.

"Layla, Billy, I swear..."

"I'm sorry," Billy huffed.

"I am, too."

Maria smiled triumphantly, "Now, Billy, take your sister to school."

"No fuckin' way!"

"William Marcus Emerson!"

Billy groaned loudly but grabbed his keys anyway. He stomped out of the house and Layla reluctantly followed.

"Have a good day at school!" Maria called after her daughter sweetly.

Layla got into Billy's car and he sped out of their driveway toward the high school. Silence filled the car, the only thing that was heard was Sympathy For The Devil by The Rolling Stones.

"How are you and Vance?" Billy asked gruffly.

"Do you really care?"

"Wouldn't be askin' if I didn't."

Layla sighed, "We're good, I guess. This one guy at school keeps giving me trouble and Vance doesn't really like him."

"What's he doin'?"

"He keeps talking to me and stuff. Vance told me not to talk to him anymore."

Billy nodded, motioning for her to continue.

"I dunno, I think Vance is jealous. He doesn't need to be, though. He knows I only want him."

"Just means he cares about you. He may trust you, but that doesn't mean he has to trust the other guy."

"Yeah, but I think he might be going a little overboard."

"If he's acting like that, he has a reason, Layla," Billy said, looking over at his little sister.

"I will admit, Bruce has been a little weird. But I don't think it warrants Vance acting like this."

"Cut him some slack. Kid cares about you, he just doesn't wanna lose you," Billy said as they pulled into the school parking lot.

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