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Vance Hopper had been going over to Layla's house for a couple of days now to work on their Chemistry project. The two didn't like each other. Not at all, whatsoever. However, after being forced to do detention for a week, and now having to do this project together? They're... okay with each other. They still argue like cats and dogs, but it's tamer now, one could say.

It was Friday and they were halfway done with their project. The two teens both decided that not doing work on the weekend was not only good for their mental health but also so that they didn't kill each other. As they walked out of the doors to the school, Layla's eyes landed on the familiar blue Camaro.

"Was he supposed to pick you up today?" Vance asked. It wasn't any of his business, he really didn't care. He was just prepared to walk to Layla's house today and was surprised, that was all.

"Didn't think so..." Layla mumbled.

They walked up to Billy as he smoked a cigarette.

"Thought I was walkin' home?"

"I don't have to be nice. I can make your sorry asses walk," Billy retorted causing Vance to chuckle.

"Don't laugh," She scolded, "Fine. Whatever. You're sitting in the back though, Vance."

"Only losers sit in the back, fuck no," Vance said.

"He can sit up front. I'll even let him pick the music," Billy said.

Layla grumbled and glared at the men. This was also a new development. The fact that her enemy and her brother liked each other made her uncomfortable. Why on earth were they getting along? It was weird.

"Get your ass in the car, woman. We ain't got all day," Vance smirked.

"I hate you both," Layla said, crawling into the back seat.

Vance had surprisingly good taste in music. Anyone could look at the boy and tell he was a metalhead, but Layla just automatically assumed the worse because well... It was Vance. Paranoid by Black Sabbath flowed through the speakers. The three blondes all sang along to the lyrics happily.

"You like Sabbath too?" Vance asked, looking back at her.

"Obviously. Or else I wouldn't know the words, dumbass."

Billy cackled as Vance glared back at Layla, "It wasn't that funny."

"It was a stupid question," Billy shrugged as they pulled into their driveway.

As Layla and Vance crawled out of the car though, Billy stayed put.

"You goin' somewhere?" Layla asked.

"Got a date. Don't wait up," Billy winked.

Layla groaned and walked into her house, Vance hot on her heels.

"I like your brother," Vance said as she shut her front door.

"It's weird," She laughed.

Vance mumbled something about how she was the weird one, which Layla ignored. Layla grabbed two drinks and snacks and sat down on the couch.

"Are we not working on the project?" Vance asked.

"Don't you want a break?" Layla retorted.

"Well, I-"

"Look, I think my brain is going to explode if I look at Chemistry anymore today. If you don't wanna watch a movie with me, whatever. Just thought it'd be nice," Layla shrugged.

Vance weighed his options. He didn't want to watch a dumb chick flick with her, but he already told his mother he was going to be out late tonight, so...

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