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Monday morning came and Layla was counting down the days until Christmas break. All she had to get through was these last five days, and then she was out of school until January. Layla couldn't wait.

Billy was in a particularly foul mood that morning, so Layla was forced to walk to school in the frigid weather. She had asked if she could drive his car instead of having to walk but all that did was make him yell at her some more and worsen his mood even further. Layla sighed happily when she finally made it into the semi-warm school building. Layla made her way to her locker to get the books she needed for the day but stopped in her tracks when she saw Vance standing there, an angry look already settled on his face.

"You're gonna get wrinkles if you keep making that face," Layla teased as she poked the furrow in his brow. Vance slapped her hand away from his face and huffed at her.

"You didn't call me this weekend."

Layla furrowed her brows at Vance, "What?"

"You heard me, I don't need to fuckin' repeat myself."

"I don't even have your number, dumbass. How would I have called you?"

Vance's eyes widened slightly, but it was gone as soon as it came, "Well you didn't get me to come over or anything."

"Because we got into a fight and I told you to leave me the fuck alone," Layla said, putting in her locker combination. As she opened it, a note fluttered down to the floor. She picked it up quickly and opened the note.

Meet me after school, mi amor,


Layla smiled softly at the note. It was sweet that he was leaving notes for her. Layla's mood got ruined quickly, however, when the note was grabbed out of her hands by Vance.

"Hey!" Layla said, attempting to grab the note back. However, Vance was a little taller than her, so he was able to hold it above her head.

"What kind of shit is this?!" Vance sneered.

"It's none of your business, dickweed!"

Vance ripped the note up and threw the pieces on the floor.

"Vance, what the fuck?!" Layla yelled.

"You don't even like this type of shit! Stop acting like you do!"

"How would you know?"

"What?" Vance asked, curling his face up.

"How would you know? You never even bothered to ask me about that type of shit."

Vance scoffed, "Because I'm not a fuckin' girl."

Layla rolled her eyes and slammed her locker door shut, "Treating a girl well doesn't mean you're acting like one. It's called being a decent fucking person."

"What the fuck ever," Vance stomped off. A crowd had started to form around the two of them since they were arguing so loudly.

"Shows over, dickheads," Layla mumbled and walked off to her first class. Which had Vance in it.

Layla threw her backpack on the floor and scooted her chair as far away from Vance as possible. She refused to look at him, and he refused to look at her. Why was he being so weird about her hanging out with Robin? They went on one date and weren't even official yet, so what did it matter?


Lunch came and instead of Layla sitting with Vance, she opted to sit with Robin. She could feel Vance glaring daggers at her, but she chose to ignore him.

hatred | vance hopperजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें