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Instead of waking up to her alarm this morning, Layla woke up to a kiss. She opened her eyes in confusion but quickly relaxed when she realized it was only Vance. She smiled up at him brightly, "Well good morning to you, too."

"Mornin' gorgeous," He said, kissing her forehead.

"What made you decide to come over so early? We have school soon."

"I wanted to walk with you. Can I not walk my girlfriend to school?" He asked, smiling teasingly at her.

"Of course, you can. You're just not much of a morning person, usually," Layla said, sitting up in her bed and stretching.

"Couldn't sleep last night," Vance shrugged simply. He smiled softly at the girl and lightly touched the hickeys that littered her skin. A symbol of his love for her on display for any and everyone to see.

"It's gonna be a pain in the ass trying to cover this up, Vance. You're like a frickin' vampire," She said, shoving his shoulder slightly.

"Don't cover them up," Vance said angrily. Layla shot him a confused look at his tone, but he quickly fixed it, "Don't cover them. I like them."

"The teachers are gonna ask if I'm gettin' abused or something," She laughed.

"Oh well," Vance smirked.

Layla got up and quickly started to get ready. Once she had her clothes on and her hair done, she looked in her mirror and shivered. There was no denying that Layla liked Vance leaving hickeys on her neck. She just felt embarrassed knowing that everyone else  would know what they had done.

"How come you don't have any?" Layla suddenly asked, fiddling with the necklace Vance got her.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You marked me up, lemme do it to you, too."

Vance smiled brightly at her, "That's my girl. C'mere."

Layla straddled Vance's waist and kissed him happily. She trailed her lips down his chin and his neck and decided to leave one right on the side of neck, just like he did to her. Vance let out a low groan at the feeling of Layla leaving hickeys on his neck and grabbed her hips to ground himself. Once Layla was satisfied, she leaned back and smiled happily.

"There. Much better."

Vance moved Layla off of him and looked in her mirror, smiling brightly at her. Soon enough, it was time to leave and the two walked to school. If Layla hadn't pissed Billy off so badly the day before, they probably would've been able to hitch a ride. But Billy refused to look at his little sister, and Layla refused to apologize, so walking was what the couple was stuck with.

Layla and Vance walked into school holding each other's hands with bright smiles on their faces. Once again, everyone in the hallways was looking at them; their necks were covered in marks.

"You know what they were up to last night."

"I always knew they were gettin' it on."

"God, that's so gross!"

One thing the couple didn't notice, however, was one lone boy; jaw clenched and knuckles taught white with anger.

"I told you, dude. You've got no chance."

"We'll see about that," Bruce said, slamming his locker door shut.


"Well, since you all neglected to use your time wisely last class, you'll have to partner up again and finish the assignment. Same partners as last time. If you do not finish this assignment today, you will be getting a zero!" Mrs. Bailey said.

Vance held Layla's hand tightly and she sent him a comforting look, "It's okay, Vance. Promise." Vance reluctantly let go of her hand and sadly watched his girlfriend walk toward Bruce.

"Hey, partner," Bruce said, smiling up at her. Layla smiled softly at the boy and sat down.

"So, let's get this shit over with," She mumbled.

Bruce and Layla worked on the assignment for a while and finally finished with fifteen minutes to spare. Layla caught Bruce staring at her and she raised an eyebrow at him, "What?"

"What the hell happened to your neck?"

Layla blushed brightly, "I-It's nothing."

"Did he hit you or something? It looks pretty rough," He asked, touching her neck slightly. Layla jerked back a little and smiled sheepishly at him.

"C'mon, Bruce, you know what it is. You've been with enough girls to know."

"I've done stuff like that before but that? That's overboard," He said, shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" She asked, subconsciously rubbing her neck.

"I dunno, just seems a little possessive to me," Bruce shrugged.

"Well isn't that a good thing? It means he cares."

"Or it means that he's psycho. There's a very fine line when it comes to being possessive, Layla. I could be wrong," Bruce said, sticking his hands up in defense, "But it just seems a little weird to me."

"I think maybe you should mind your own business," Layla snapped, "He doesn't mean it like that at all, he loves me."

"Just trying to look out for a friend."

The bell rang and Vance quickly walked up to his girlfriend, "Ready to go home, babe?"

Layla jerked her head up and smiled at him, "Yeah, let's go."

Vance interlocked their fingers and walked out of the classroom giving one last cocky smirk towards a glowering Bruce.

"What are you looking at?" Layla asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, babe. I'm just ready to go home. And I'm glad we don't have to deal with Bruce anymore," He said, wrapping his arm around the shorter girl.

Layla nodded and happily walked out of the school with her boyfriend. She couldn't help but wonder, however... Could Bruce be right?


sorry it's so short! i just wanted to get a chapter out but i have a mountain of assignments to do LMAO

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