14 - Coffee Dates

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"Or.. his face is lighting up to Charlie's reaction when I walk in the room." I suggest.

"Quit lying to yourself. You're hot, and he knows it." She says, her lips quirking up into a smirk.

"Sure. Well, until he sends me some kind of signal, it's not happening." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Oh come on Brin, put yourself out there for once."

"Nora, I'd been with the same guy since college, okay? It's been like seven years, that's sad to be honest."

"Yeah, and he was a total douchebag, you deserve better. Come on, when was the last time you got laid?" She asks, raising a brow as she sips her coffee.

"I don't know, a couple months ago?" I say, thinking hard.

"Exactly, and it probably wasn't even good. He was your fiancé, y'all should've still been in the honeymoon phase and going at it like a bunch of bunnies." She says and I choke on my coffee.

"Jesus Nora." I laugh, "Not everyone is you and Logan."

"Most people who are engaged are. There's a reason everybody is pregnant at their own weddings nowadays." She says, shrugging her shoulders.

She wasn't wrong. And if they weren't pregnant at their wedding, they were a month after. What ever happened to waiting a while?

"You need to get fucked... Properly."

"Fine. I will get laid if it will shut you up." I say and she grins. I knew I probably wasn't going to get laid, but I needed to get her off of the topic at hand.


I change the subject. "Okay, let's talk about your wedding. It's a month away." 

"I know, I'm so excited!" She exclaims, leaning her elbows on the table.

"Me too!"

"Are you gonna replace your date, since Ethan isn't even allowed to come anymore?" She asks.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll go single, see if I meet anyone there." I shrug my shoulders.

"Or... You could bring Christian..." I should've known she would suggest that.

"We'll see. That seems like a big deal for only knowing him for a month." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah well, you've also spent multiple days a week, every week with him for a little over a month. Not to mention, didn't you offer to let them stay with you?" She asks, raising a skeptical brow.

"That was more for Charlie's comfort."

She sighs, "You're begging difficult. Just, throw it out there. Make it causal." She says, motioning with her hands.

"Okay, I'll do it. But, no pressuring me to do it soon. I'll do it when I'm ready." I gesture to myself and she grins.

"Yay!", she does a little happy dance in her seat, "When is Emery coming over for the bachelorette party?"

"I think she's coming that Friday." I say and she nods. "And for the wedding she'll be on Christmas break so, she'll already be here."

"I'm so excited. I've missed that little shit-head."

I smile, "Me too!", I drawl in happiness. 

"Oh! My shoes came in. They're gorgeous!" She says. She "splurged" and bought a pair of red bottoms.

"I might have to steal them sometime."

"Bitch please." She says, putting her hand in front of me as we both laugh. "Buy your own, you got the money for em'."

"I'd rather not spend 100+ dollars on a pair of heels, thanks though. How much were yours anyways?"

She bites her lip with a guilty smile, "$1,074..."

"Sweet baby Jesus." I say, slamming my coffee cup on the table. "What is wrong with you."

"It's my wedding. I'm only planning on doing this once. I'm not trying to be like Ross Geller." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Still, $1,000? You're insane woman." I laugh, shaking my head.

"What can I say, I'm a shopaholic. It's a good thing Logan and I are both rich. Good news is, I least buy cool things form around the world instead of just shopping at Nordstrom all the time, like every other shopaholic." She says and I chuckle.

"I at least shop at Nordstrom Rack."

"Atta girl." She says, reaching her hand over to give me a high five.

"Oh my God. Did I tell you, I got a pair of jeans from Free People, for $20. They were originally $120." I say and she fist bumps me. "I also got two shirts from Anthropologie on the sales rack, plus and extra 40% off." I say, grinning.

She places her hand on her chest, fake sniffling. "There's nothing left for me to teach you. You're all grown up." She wipes a fake tear.

I chuckle, "So dramatic."

Word Count: 1,219

Word Count: 1,219

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