Ch 6: This Whole Time!?

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"I'm glad. I'm also glad Grian and Doc found you." Scar said with a soft smile.

"Me too..." He mumbled before taking a sip.

"That's not the only thing you wanted to tell me is it?" Scar asked gently, "You know, you're not the only hybrid on the server Mumbo," He added with a knowing look in his eyes.

"How do you?" Mumbo gawked at the other wide-eyed and stunned.

"You forget I was a vex in a past season. Cub and I still have some lingering abilities." Scar paused to take a sip from his mug, "I kind of knew since then but I didn't want to pressure you," He added a bit sheepishly, avoiding Mumbo's gaze to stare down at Jellie instead.

"Both you and Grian see right through me, it's not fair..." He huffed half-heartedly and stared into his cup, mentally preparing himself for the worst, "But I've been really worried about that. About other hermits knowing..." He took a shuddery breath and forced himself to look at Scar, "You don't mind?"

"No," Scar said bluntly with a small smile.

"Does Cub know?" Mumbo shakily asked.

"I don't think so, you'd have to ask him," Scar said thoughtfully and Mumbo nodded slowly.

This was so different than when Grian and Doc had found out by accident. Scar had known the whole time and kept it a secret for him. Well, if he already knew there was no use in hiding it still while he was in the safety of his vault. He reached up to pull away the clips holding his ears down and letting them spring free. Purposefully pushing his hair out of the way to reveal his pair of fluffy ears so Scar could see them clearly. "I'm a cow hybrid..." The words spilled out of his mouth faster than he realized.

Scar reached out and grabbed both of Mumbo's hands to hold them tightly. "This doesn't change anything or make me think any differently of you Mumbo. It never did," Scar softly spoke as he squeezed Mumbo's hands, "You're still my best friend at the end of the day and you're stuck with me no matter what," He added as the elf's heartfelt words made Mumbo choke up, tears pricked his eyes and threatened to spill.

Scar let go of Mumbo's hands and moved Jellie off his lap onto the floor. She meows in protest but Scar didn't pay her any mind. The elf stood and moved his chair next to Mumbo before pulling him in a hug that he was more than happy to lean into. Scar held him tight and didn't let go for a while, brushing away stray tears that dripped down Mumbo's cheeks. Their mugs were long forgotten and growing cold as Scar held and comforted him.


Scar stayed by his side for the rest of the day. Eager to learn about Mumbo's nest and whatever he felt comfortable sharing about his hybridness. Just like Grian had been, Scar was excited to share any blankets in the name of good sleep and comfort. He had Scar promise not to bring any big and unruly blankets as Grian did, not if he wanted it back anytime soon. Mumbo was nervous showing Scar the nest but that immediately dissipated as the elf was quick to compliment it.

A warm fuzzy feeling filled his chest, a herd member complimenting another's nest meant a lot more than Scar would understand. Jellie had even liked it as she had followed them and hopped in the nest. Scar panicked slightly, not sure if Jellie was allowed, but Mumbo reassured him it was alright. The pair watched as Jellie went to work kneading and making biscuits on the blankets. The pair soon joined the feline in the nest, Mumbo having to reassure the other that it was okay for him to be in the nest. The pair lounged and chatted in the nest, Jellie soon making enough biscuits for her business. The feline settled between the pair and happily purred as either hermit scratched behind her ears or stroked her back.

Soon it was starting to get late and Mumbo could tell Scar was hesitant to leave before the elf voiced such worries. They were similar worries that Doc and Grian had which made Mumbo feel a bit guilty. The group chat would hopefully quell those nerves for Scar just as it did for Grian and Doc. Scar seemed relieved and perked up as Mumbo showed him the group chat before adding another member to it. The horned hermit gave Sca the same 'I promise to message if I need anything' speech as he had for the other two group members. His speech and the group chat helped Scar feel less apprehensive about leaving Mumbo. This private chat was one of his best ideas lately, which he was extremely proud of.

[GoodTimesWithScar] was added to the private group chat [IYKYK] [Group members: MumboJumbo, Grian, Docm77, GoodTimesWithScar.]

[Grian] Hi Scar! Proud of you Mumbo.

[Docm77] Welcome to the club Scar.

[GoodTimesWithScar] Hello! It's an honor to be here.

[Grian] We'll have to make a mailbox soon for trading blankets and stuff for your nest.

[MumboJumbo] A mailbox isn't a bad idea. I'd leave the blankets that don't have a scent anymore in there to trade.

[MumboJumbo] Btw you're never getting that one blanket back Grian.

[Grian] I'm well aware.

It had been exhausting learning that Scar knew the whole time. Though he was extremely thankful the other kept it quiet but it also opened a can of worms for him. Who else knew but didn't say anything to him?

But knowing that Scar accepted him regardless gave him a little spark of courage. Enough that he wanted to get out of the vault for a change. He visited Grian a lot lately since he was basically across the street. But now he felt up to venturing out a bit more and possibly visiting Doc for the day. Also, he'd get the chance to feel the wind on his face and shake off the dust of his elytra, it had been sitting by the front door for way too long collecting dust.

While becoming a literal hermit in his vault made him feel safe it had its downsides. He had spent too long in that safety net that he had gotten too used to having his features out. It was starting to be an annoyance to tuck and pin them away. His tail started to have a mind of its own which would raise some questions if others saw. His ears would get stiff and feel itchy after a while. Maybe he could find a hiding place at Doc's where he didn't have to hide his features the entire time.

The Bull's HornsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora