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Quick A/N: Okay I've been going through some stuff so this a little bit late sorry 😭 it's actually a little short but I didn't really know what else to write for this chapter. Next chapter will be sooner, better, and longer.
Spencer's POV

I went up to the studio to ask Carly, Sam, and Freddie what kind of smoothie they wanted. "Guys, what kinda smoothies do you want?" I asked as I entered the studio. "Blueberry Blitz." Carly answered smoothly and Freddie's answer followed suit. "Strawberry Splat." Sam looked at me with a bright smile. "Hmm....I wanna try new whatever crazy thing T-Bo has come up with. It's been awhile since I've tried a new flavor."

I walked out of the studio and downstairs. The entire way down I was trying to decide what I wanted. And what did I want? I'd probably just get Blueberry Blitz. I walked to Groovy Smoothie in silence and by the time I got there I decided that Sam actually had a good idea. I was going to do the same thing. I got to the counter and waited my turn. When it was finally my turn, I looked at T-Bo. "One Blueberry Blitz, one Strawberry Splat, and two smoothies of the wackiest flavor you can come up with." The look that crossed T-Bo's face immediately annoyed me but I didn't let it show on my face. "Someone told me your sister is dating Freddie."

"She is. It's not really the ideal choice but it's not really the worst one."

"Why not the ideal choice?" He asked as he started on the blueberry blitz.

"Well, Carly has always had this dream of being saved like she's a Dingo Princess and that's what happened. So she's not really interested in him and of course I know that but I don't want to tell him that. I'm waiting for him to figure it out or for a certain someone else to tell him. I know she wants to." I explained calmly and he just nodded at me. "How about a friendly bet?" He offered and I raised my eyebrows. "A bet?" T-Bo nodded.

T-Bo's POV

I didn't have much experience with these kids but I knew how they ordered their smoothies. Sam would often try to order something new and different. She'd end up hating it. One of two things would happen. She'd throw it away and make Freddie buy her a new one or force him to trade with her. "If I win, it'll lead to a follow up bet. If you win, free smoothies for a week." We shook on it before I went to making the strawberry splat. "Okay, so what's the bet then?"

"Sam will force Freddie to trade smoothies with her."

"I know she does that..."

"Well how about that smoothie you had that time you practically camped out here?"

"Sounds fine but I'll just have a Strawberry Splat."

I nodded at the goofy male and started on the two strawberry splats. I prepared myself to say Carly and Freddie's relationship wouldn't last. Even if Gibby didn't intervene like he so desperately wanted to. They would never work out if Carly wasn't actually interested in Freddie. If this thing about Freddie saving her life was true then she most definitely didn't share his feelings. I made the tingleberry blast smoothie last and handed it to Spencer. "That's 29.96." I informed him.

He handed me two twenties. "So what's the bet?" He asked and I smirked. "Freddie will need relationship advice before the week is up." Spencer seemed to hesitate like he knew it was true but just shrugged. "Keep the difference as a tip." I nodded at the hefty tip. "Have a nice day."

Spencer POV

I got back to the apartment and texted Carly that I had their smoothies. The kids came down the stairs.

General POV

The three friends traveled down the elevator after Carly got Spencer's text. Spencer handed them each their smoothie. Sam took one sip of hers and made a disgusted face. She turned to Freddie about to say something about switching but he was talking to Carly. She felt so dirty about how much she wanted to reach over and kiss him then confess her feelings while he was flirting with her best friend. So she did the next best thing. She took her straw and sucked smoothie up into it. She took the cap off and took the straw out she held it on either side. She aimed it at her target and spit. It all fell in goop on the table. She went to get a paper towel when she got a brilliant idea. She got the paper towels to clean her mess and one extra.

Once the goopy mess was cleaned up she ripped a piece off the extra one dipped in the disgusting smoothie then rolled it up and stuck it in the end of her straw. She aimed again and shot the nasty smoothie covered paper towel piece at her desired target. It made contact with skin and she grinned. The person turned to her. "DEMON!"







"Guys, stop." Carly interrupted Sam's chance at winning but she knew exactly what to do. "Here, Fredbag, try this." She dumped her smoothie on his head then took his taking his straw out and putting hers in. Spencer was actually rather shocked and amused by the display. Sam walked out of the apartment without another word. Spencer realized a little late he was so busy with drinking his smoothie he missed the perfect chance to get Sam.

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