iNeed An Ambulance

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Quick A/N: Here's something I really think we were deprived of. Even in the extended version we didn't get to see the Taco Truck scene or Mrs. Benson's conversation with Spencer.

General POV

Sam Puckett had her own memory of the same course of events. She remembers the game of Assassin being put on hold and telling Spencer what happened. There's just one astronomical difference. She wasn't happily cooking a frozen pizza when everything went wrong.

Sam's POV

Everything went wrong today. It all started when we left the apartment to go do this silly iCarly dare. Carly had to dress in a bunny suit and ask people if she could brush their teeth for a dollar. Honestly, I thought it was kinda ridiculous. But wasn't that the point of our show?

A few hours later, Carly had been denied from pretty much everyone she asked. That didn't deter her from trying though. "Can I brush your teeth for a dollar?" Carly tried again with a smile and the man who she asked just looked confused. "Um no thank you..." Freddie and I laughed as Carly sighed heavily. "This dare sucks." She muttered.

"Carly, the camera's dying anyways."

"Alright well let's just go back to my house then."

Apparently, Carly hadn't been paying attention to the crosswalk signals because the crosswalk signal was on do not walk. The next few minutes flashed by in a blur. Carly was crossing the street in a rather sulky fashion; probably because the dare didn't go as planned. Meanwhile, I just stayed with Freddie on the sidewalk and watched him pack up his tech gear. Normally, I'd follow right after Carly but there was something I wanted to ask Freddie about. Only problem, I didn't know how to address it. How do you go about addressing your crush on your frenemy, who apparently loves your best friend?

I was trying to figure that out; when a big taco truck ruined my train of thought. It came around the corner really fast showing no signs of stopping. "CARLY, GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" I screamed to Carly but she didn't seem to hear me or see the truck. Freddie reacted to my yelling without hesitation. He handed me his camera before he ran out and pushed Carly out of the way.

The camera fell from my hands and I ran to Freddie's side. Carly was already next to him and cooing over him. I felt tears well in my eyes. I wasn't sure if it was at Carly's reaction or Freddie's condition. Maybe it was both.

"Carly, I'm calling 911." I said as I dialed 911 for an ambulance. "I'll call too." She added offhandedly and then called as well.

"I need an ambulance. My friend just got hit by a taco, I'm not sure if the driver of the truck is intoxicated or if he's also injured...just get here soon, alright?! Freddie could die! We're on the corner near Bushwell Plaza."

"Hello, yes, I'm Carly Shay. I'm calling for an ambulance on the corner near Bushwell Plaza. A taco truck almost hit me but it ended up hitting my, I'm not sure of those things..."

I'll never admit it but today I hate Carly Shay. This isn't something petty, I swear! It's not like we're fighting over a guy or some stupid concert. This time things are different. Her idiocy almost killed Freddie! He's our friend too!

The ambulance thankfully got there soon. There was also the standard police car so they could get witness statements. I gave a pretty basic recount of events I wasn't going to tell them my best friend was an idiot. "Carly was crossing the street and a big taco truck came around the corner. And Carly didn't see the truck and so Freddie ran out and pushed Carly out of the way." I decided that would be what I'd tell everyone. It made Carly sound less ignorant to her surroundings and I wouldn't have to talk about me.

We had both finished giving our statements and Freddie was securely in the ambulance. "So which one of you is going to the hospital with him?" One of the EMTs asked us. I took one look at Carly's pink bunny suit and said. "I'll go." She stopped me. "Sam, I got him into this situation. He was saving my life. I'll go. You go tell Spencer." She spoke the words in a kind tone but it felt like they burned my skin. It felt as if she was rubbing in that he'd saved her life. I pushed the thought away. Carly would never do that. I nodded and let her get in the ambulance. I waited until the scene had completely dispersed. I marched up to the man getting back in his taco truck. "You owe me a free taco."

"Excuse me? Go away, Blondie."

"I personally know that kid you hit so my uncle Carmine could make you disappear if I asked." He handed me a taco without further hesitation. I dilly-dallied around the corner to Bushwell Plaza. But once I was around the corner I was in full out sprint.

Lewbert's POV

That horrible little blonde ran into the building looking insane. Urgh! I hate children. "No running in my lobby!" I yell and she looks at me. "Sorry, Lewbert. I need to go." She was sorry? Sorry? SORRY?! That's when I noticed the tears in her eyes. She looked at me; eyes filled with an emotion I'd only ever seen in Marissa Benson. URGH! I didn't want to think about her. "NO CRYING IN MY LOBBY!!!" She just gave me a look of pure disgust and ran up the stairs. She was probably going to terrorize the Shay apartment like always. Children are unbearable, honestly.

General POV

So now then, Sam entered the Shay's apartment and recounted the events to Spencer. He called Mrs. Benson to tell her that Freddie would be at the hospital soon.

Mrs. Benson's POV

I was working the emergency room today. I was fortunate to have a moment of peace. I was planning on eating my lunch but I got a phone call from Spencer.


"Mrs. Benson, something happened and I thought you should hear it from me first."

"Is it Freddie?! Is he alright?!" I practically yelled.

"Well, actually, he's on his way to the hospital now. I think Carly went with him. She might be able to explain what happened better than I can." It was just then a doctor came over to me "Marissa, we need you some highschool kid was hit by a taco truck and is in terrible condition." Spencer must have heard because he responded. "That'll be Freddie now."

I didn't waste any time hanging up and running to my baby boy. I had to be sure he was okay and get some answers from that awful Shay girl. Carly Shay put Freddie's life in danger. I would no longer trust his judgement that she was girlfriend material. I also needed to fill out all Freddie's medical forms since that stupid girl wouldn't know any of the necessary information.

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