iMiss Sam

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Quick A/N: This is a long chapter but once again probably very poorly edited. I tried my best. I'll look over it again a thousand times, I promise. So you can always re-read it and see if it finally has no typos.
Gibby's POV

When I got to Bushwell Plaza, I saw Sam and Carly talking. Carly seemed really freaked out about Sam asking if she and Freddie were okay. I hid around the corner. Then it occurred to me that this was weird. Not only because of Carly but Sam being here was weird too. Why didn't Sam go to The Groovy Smoothie like all the other kids from detention? I thought it was only a rumor that she only went Carly or Freddie were in detention. Why did I think it was a rumor? Because last year I'd seen her there before, after one of her many detentions, without them. So maybe she also went because she had a crush on someone or something? I couldn't think about that now. Carly was acting really strangely....

Carly slammed her apartment door shut in Sam's face. I watched as she looked between the two doors. She looked like she was making a decision. I couldn't possibly know what she was thinking. All I did know that she may have tormented me for years but I felt bad for her. She looked genuinely was hurt by the thought of Carly kissing Freddie. It was fascinating to see Sam Puckett with emotions other than anger and rage. I was in shock when she slowly put her hand over Freddie's apartment door knob. I didn't expect that. I watched her she sighed as if it was a goodbye. She turned to Carly's door and opened her door. Even as I saw her chose Carly over Freddie, I couldn't believe Sam almost chose Freddie. I could tell the smile now plastered on her face wasn't reaching her eyes. I wanted to tell her it would be okay. But I knew that was a bad idea. It would only result in a wedgie or beating. I waited until she walked into the Shay household before I knocked on the Bensons' door. I knocked on The Bensons' door. Mrs.Benson came to the door. She was yelling before she even opened the door. I wanted to abort mission. I didn't even know what she was yelling. At least, she stopped yelling when she saw my face. I felt both relieved and scared about that. "Who are you?" She questioned me and I just laughed nervously. "We've never officially met. I'm Gibby."

"Right. The weird one from iCarly."

"Uh...yeah. Anyways, I was hoping I could talk to Freddie."

"In regards to what?"

"Homework he missed..."

"Come on right in."

I quickly decided it was too risky to mention Carly, that's why I lied. She guided me towards Freddie's room. When she left, my eyes went wide. "I can't believe it's true!" Freddie just gave me a confused look. "Gibby, what are you talking about?" I sighed inwardly. "Everyone at school was talking about how you saved Carly's life and you were such a hero. I heard it enough that I started to believe it. But Carly was talking about you so much I started to think something else."

"Gib, I still don't know what you're talking about."

"I started to think Sam was ignoring Carly because she had a new crush."

"Oh really? Who?" He sounded a little dejected.

"I think you know!" I accused but I wasn't mad. How could I be? Someone actually wanted to date Freddie Benson. Sam and Carly always made him seem undatable! How you may ask? Well it's simple. He is best friends with two girls! If that isn't bad enough, one beats him up constantly and the other rejects him daily. And as I've said before, being Gibby means you notice things about the iCarly trio no one else does. Which means I've noticed why he's become so undatable at the hands of these girls. Sam beats him up because she has some twisted crush on him. Carly rejects him because she's never liked him....until now.

He shook his head. "Gibby, stop being so cryptic!" I just raised my eyebrows. "I have suspicions that your dream girl likes you." It was a half-truth, obviously. No one needed to know that I already had my suspicions confirmed in the hallway. "Um...I didn't know she even liked me until she kissed me..." He shrugged then grabbed his arm with a pained face. I still felt bad for Sam. How could I not after seeing the look on her face? But I wanted to see Freddie happy! Right?

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