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Quick A/N: This chapter is kinda long. I probably won't do chapters this long often. I just got really excited about Mrs.Benson's POV in this chapter.

I'm sorry if there's any typos I edited it but idk if I got all the typos I will check later.

Mrs. Benson's POV

I immediately found my Freddiebear to make sure of his safety. Once I was sure he was in good hands, I turned to the attending doctor. "I'm this boy's mother. There's a girl that came here with him. I need to speak with her." I told him urgently. He immediately chose to dismiss my concerns. "Marissa, I understand your frustrations but you can't demand things." I rolled my eyes and explained further. "Yes, well this girl doesn't know any of my son's medical information. I need to fill out the waiting room forms." He let out a heavy sigh. "Come back immediately after. We will need you here." I scoffed at his ignorance. Did he really think I'd leave him alone with my little boy? He was clearly incompetent.

Speaking of incompetent, I had to find Carly Shay. Before I even knew what happened I had an inkling that she caused this. There's no other logical reasoning for a fifteen year old girl tag along in the ambulance. But I had confirmed it when I looked over Freddie's paperwork. What kind of idiot needs to be saved from a moving taco truck? She should have been paying attention. It didn't matter. I stomped my way out to the waiting room. "I need to speak with Carly Shay." Several people looked up; including the girl in question. She was wearing a giant pink bunny suit as if it were normal. However, her face paled when she saw me and made her way over to me. "Mrs.Benson!" I snatched away the clipboard she was holding. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I'd have to redo the entire paper later because she guessed on stuff she didn't know. It was just a formality for our records anyways. I brought the clipboard to the reception desk.

"Jenn, can you trash this? It's not correct."

"How do you know?"

"The patient is my son. I'll fill the forms out soon. Tell the doctor."

"Alrighty, Marissa."

"Thank you, Jenn."

I spun around on the girl, who'd followed me. "Now you are going to telling me everything." She seemed nervous as I walked her away from the waiting room. "Well we we're shooting a dare for iCarly." She started; which provoked a scoff from me. "Explains the bunny suit." She just continued; seemingly unbothered. "And it didn't go as planned so we were going back to my apartment. This taco truck came and almost hit me. Freddie pushed me out of the way. It's like a Dingo Princess movie!" I rolled my eyes. "Is my son's well-being some kind of joke to you?"

"No! Absolutely not! I'm just really thankful."

I glared at her."Well, I need to check on Freddie. I just had to make sure you weren't causing trouble first."

"Can I come with you?"

"Not during medical procedures. Go back to the waiting room."

Freddie's POV

I felt oddly relieved when my mom walked back in the room. I never thought I'd feel like that about my mom. But I, Freddie Benson, wanted my mom. The doctor caught her up to speed on the fact they gave me some stitches and were planning on doing some x-rays. I could tell she was struggling to act professional at this point. I mean I may have broken bones. That's enough to make any mother, crazy or not, worry. "Mom..." I finally spoke and she looked at me with worried eyes.

"Yes, Freddie?"

"It's just an x-ray."

After a few x-rays, they determined I did indeed have a broken arm and a broken leg. This meant I'd need a cast. "Hey, mom. If I'm going to need a cast, can I at least pick the color?" My mother's eyes softened in a way I hadn't seen them soften since the Freddie never kissed a girl incident. I never knew what that look meant. It always felt strange to me. I'd always thought it was something similar to sympathy; which my mother rarely felt. "Of course, Freddiebear. Just ask the doctor."

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