A Hiro's Tale

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In the weeks it took to prepare for Hiro's funeral, Bud and Spook's health had declined. They refunded to eat, drink, sleep...When Erik and Lexus took them back home, they simply waited and stared at the door, letting out mournful wails and sounds as the days passed, until they grew quiet even then.

The grief and heartbreak of losing Hiro took Bud first. The old dog was already close to his end, and the sudden passing of his best friend merely sped up the process.

Spook took longer, she was still young for a cat after all. Even if, in true-cat-like fashion, it seemed she hardly cared for Hiro, the girl's death took a mighty toll on the cat's mental and physical health. Bud's passing added on to the ginger cat's grief.


It was the first time they had seen her so skinny, the days before her body gave in to the heartbreak, starvation, and dehydration.

And when all the slayers gathered into Hiro's house for days, Wendy needing to convince the rest to let Maya, Ren, and Zane in, no one was surprised.

Hiro's books had taught them many things about dragon slayers.

They weren't even surprised when Sting and Rogue left Sabertooth in the hands of Yukino as the new guildmaster, with the support of her guild mates, to join Fairy Tail.

Just as Hiro had wanted them too.

In the center of Magnolia, as decided by the citizens and Mayor of the city, a large area was cleared, grass and flowers planted. Fountains were built, it was turned into some type of park-like memorial area.

And right in the center was where Hiro, Bud, and Spook were eventually buried.

A life-sized statue of the three of them, a familiar grin on Hiro's stone face, was gifted for the gravestone. A fairy tail guildmark, made of pure gold and pushing out a centimeter or so, glinted from her bare left-shoulder.

The day the funeral was held, people came from all over the country to honor the young slayer.

Tears and sobbing mixed with the light rain that poured. Friends and rivals alike holding onto each other for support. Wendy, with her hair down entirely, dressed in a pale purple dress, long, black lace coat covered her bare arms, black tights in her black-wedge heels.

The bluenette had to be held securely by her Mamma, him falling to his knees just after she did to hold her tight while she wailed.

The New Magic Council had appeared at the start, staying in the back until the head judge moved to the front. Gaze focusing on the gravestone, eyes mournful, he finally turned to the crowd and announced,

"In the wake of this tragedy," he begins, voice choked but steady, "We, the magic council, have unanimously awarded Hiro Hidashi the 10th seat on our council, post-mortem. A seat and a plaque have been created, and this seat will remain for centuries as a memorial of a great wizard, a beloved child, and a lost guild mate." His head lowers, his council robes growing soaked in the downpour.

His head raised to look them as close to the eyes as he could, the rest of the council falling in behind him.

"We are proud, and honored, to declare Miss Hiro Hidashi, the StormBringer, an eternal member of the Ten Wizard Saints. In light of recent news, we have voted to change her rank from 5th, to Number One." Their heads all lowered once again, "May Hiro Hidashi know that, even in death, she is loved and missed for all eternity." Each of them rested a single flower at the base of the gravestone, pure white in color, "And may her beloved Companions, her friends, be allowed to accompany her in her conquest of the after-life." And with one final breath, he finished his speech with, "And may we, when we succumb to death's embrace, be allowed to join her as well."

And Wendy's wailing grew louder.

Not even the worst of the worst dared touch Hiro's grave-site.

(The first, and only, time someone did, the wrath of the country fell upon them like bats from hell.)

A new tradition was started, after several children, several fans of Hiro, began saying 'hello, Hiro!' Every time it stormed, or even if it was merely a breeze.

A tradition adopted by the entirety of the nation.

After her death, her merchandise was made free, and a final piece was made. A small figure of Hiro's memorial statue was gifted to every guild member across Fiore, and could be bought for 100 jewels. The proceeds went to a new charity, the Hidashi clean-up, Inspection, and Rescue Operation, H.I.R.O, made for rebuilding homes, with a small group of volunteers inspecting reported issues in cities and writing jobs for guilds if they couldn't handle it themselves (very rarely could they not), and rescuing those in need.

Thing's Hiro had done.

And if Hiro's spirit had latched onto those she loved, split apart to follow all of them after Fairy Tail disbanded, no one knew for sure.

And if Bud and Spook followed her example, that was a secret as well.

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