Battles and Hate

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Hiro did eventually end up taking a nap, or well, she fell asleep until the next day's event. She didn't know when she got to the stands, when she got back to the hotel, or if she even did. All she knows is, that when she woke up, her eyes locked onto an upside down castle in the middle of the arena.

"?.." she blinked slowly, carefully turning to her teammates. "Whas a do?"

Mira giggled, placing a guilty hand to her own cheek.

"Wow, that dress-up game really took a lot out of you, huh?" Hiro just blinked, "It's the third day! We sent Gajeel to do this event, since he hasn't really gotten a chance to do much."

"It was supposed to just be fighting monsters in that castle, but..." Juvia gestured to the destroyed pandemonium palace, "Erza got to them all first. So now they're doing MPF scores."

Hiro, knowing what an MPF is - look it's not her fault they came up behind her with one and startled her, she didn't mean to zap it hard enough to shatter! - barrels over the banister, held up only by Laxus' hand holding her coat collar.

"Bróðir!" she calls, and the ravenette looks up at her. "YOU BETTER WIN OR I'M GONNA FIGHT YOU IN PUBLIC SO MAMMA GETS ANGRY AT BOTH OF US!"

He brushes her off with a grunt, waving a hand dismissively, and she lets out a squawk of offense.

"IF YOU LOSE!" she yelled, louder this time, "NATSU WILL BE MY NEW FOURTH-FAVORITE!"

Then it was Gajeel's turn to squawk.

Some may think, 'wow, you're just the fourth favorite? And you're proud of that? Loser'. But listen, none of them would be able to pass up the top three in Hiro's 'Favorites' list;

1; Bud and Spook

2 ; Wendy

3; Mamma, Babba, and the Thunder Legion are a package deal

So Gajeel held his fourth place guarantee with pride. But, the threat of having it so easily ripped away from him? It's never happened before! No one had ever moved on Hiro's favorites list, and no one ever would, and to not only be the first to lose his spot, but to lose it to his idiot-salamander of a younger brother guildmate?

He wouldn't let it happen.

He destroyed that MPF, enough force behind his roar to leave a small crater where it used to be. A large glowing 9999 hovering above the damage.

With a sharp-toothed grin, he whirled and pointed an accusing finger at Hiro.

"I ain't losin' my spot to that Salamander!"

Hiro just laughed at him, carefree and ignorant to the actual distress she had put him in. Though, she did wind herself around his shoulders when he got back up to the booth, purring and nuzzling with delight, so he supposed it was fine.

When the battles began, Hiro already had signs for the people she was rooting for. A giant cat face silhouette, with Millianna's name written in bright purple as she cheered for the cat lady - great minds think alike after all, and while Hiro will always be more of a dog person, Spook was a stubborn, fat baby and Hiro would die for her -, a simple rectangle with Rufus Lore written in elegant cursive, and finally, it was Laxus' turn to battle.

Hiro could only watch in horror, before someone turned her and hid her face so she wouldn't see the sight. The scent of fruit and sugar betrays the person's identity. Mirajane.

Her Babba. She whined, her one real eye growing a misty sheen, her shoulders beginning to quiver. She heard footsteps sprinting from one side of the colosseum to the other, heading straight for their booth. She heard people calling out a name not hers, trying to stop whoever was running ahead of them from continuing their path.

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