But not Forgotten

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Storms raged for days, before all suddenly going still. Not even a breeze, as if Mother Nature had no power over the space. But no one questioned it.

No one questioned it when Hiro and Wendy were allowed to orchestrate the funeral, or the memorial of their lost members.

No one questioned the ceremonies they partook in when doing so, the pure grief on Wendy's face as she tried to get Hiro to focus on something, but the younger's blank face endured.

No one questioned it when miniature dolls of their lost guildmates appeared on the memorial stone in the guildhall. (And no one mentioned how Hiro had made doubles and triples of some, spreading them amongst herself and the younger members. And no one mentioned it when they saw a few in her bag)

No one questioned it when, occasionally, two other slayers Wendy's age started to show up. Members of Sabertooth, though Hiro tried to convince them to join Fairy Tail. Judging by their hesitant expressions every time they had to leave, even if Hiro and Wendy weren't there, it was working.

No one questioned it when Hiro and Wendy had vanished for several days, despite their worry.

They didn't even question it when they brought back a former member of the Oracion Seis, Cobra, and his giant snake, Cubellios.

Though they were cautious of the man, they learned that Hiro and Wendy worked something out with the Council.

The two were quite well-known for aiding in rebuilding, medical missions, and the counter to Fairy Tail's destructive reputation. Denying them something, when they phrased it so convincingly, would cause an outcry.

"The Oracion Seis, sans Brain, were kidnapped as children." Hiro had started, dressed formally and standing tall beside Wendy - despite her small stature - "Forced into slavery within the Tower of Heaven, but escaping as teens. Found by Brain, they were manipulated into believing that, if they did everything he asked, they'd receive their deepest wish."

"Do you have any idea what those wishes were?" a council-member asked.

Wendy spoke.

"It was on record that, after being defeated, the Seis would say their wish - unknowingly doing so aloud."

Hiro cleared her throat, a piece of paper in her hands.

"Cobra wished to be able to speak to his only friend, assuming he speaks of Cubellios. Racer wished to be faster than anyone, so that he could escape. Angel wished to fly high, like an angel, freed of the land. Hoteye wished to find his brother that he was separated from. Midnight wished to be allowed to sleep in a quiet place." Hiro looked up as Wendy continued.

"All of their wishes stem from being in the Tower of Heaven, by the fault of the Council for not looking for the final, known construction sight - claiming that with only one tower, nothing bad could happen." Her face and voice were serious in a way no one had seen before, "Because of this negligence, Oracion Seis was able to be formed, children were drawn down the paths of evil and then condemned to never being allowed to change."

"They killed people!" One proclaimed, only for Hiro to turn her eyes on them.

"Based on records, files, and history checks, the Council has ordered more deaths - of innocents mind you - than the Oracion Seis. Based on evidence, everyone they killed had some involvement in slave trafficking, child trafficking, human trafficking." Her narrowed eyes glanced up at them, "And if you base it merely on the amount of deaths, the Magic Council as a whole has killed more people than the Oracion Seis."

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