The Sun Village

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"This the place?" Gray asked blandly, taking in the view of the area.

Erza nodded with a smile. "It took no time at all thanks to Sir Warrod."

"He has amazing magic!" Wendy gushed happily.

"That's why he's a Wizard Saint!" Hiro chirped. "Never tried to surpass them, on all honesty!" She turned with a grin, "Sun Village should be just over-" she froze, "E-eh?"

The entire city was covered in light purple ice.

Natsu snapped out of his motion sickness and cheered. "Let's go!" He began running, "I'll stop feeling sick once I get some food there!"

"I don't think you understand the situation." Lucy deadpanned, following the sprinting Salamander and the brisk-walking Hiro.

Walking through the massive roads, Hiro looked around.

It wasn't like this before. Hiro had been here a few times, never really entering the town; but she'd passed by.

She tilted her head up.

"They have okay fashion sense." She decided, and Lucy choked.

"That's what you're taking from this?!"


Then, her eyes catch on Gray. The ice-mage had a glazed look in his eyes, remembering something he had thought forgotten. Hiro walked up to him, and climbed onto his shoulders.

He grunted as she did so, but remained still as she situated herself. Her arms rested on his head, and she rested her chin on them, and her ankles were locked across his chest.

Are you okay?

He understood her silent question; sighed and patted her knee.

I'm fine.

"I had no idea such large people existed." Erza mused, looking up at the giants.

"Even the dogs are big!" Natsu exclaimed, and Hiro's head shot up.

"DOGS?!" She shouted, clambering down the ice-mage and bolting towards Natsu's voice, "Big Puppy!" She squealed, wrapping her arms around one of the massive legs.

Her ears twitched at the sound of voices making their way towards them. Her head turned to see three men walking along a higher ridge in the city.

She huffed, "This ain't good at all."

"They're totally a bunch of girls and kids!" One of them exclaimed, and Hiro rolled her eyes with an over exaggerated groan.


"Doon! Doon!"

"Shut up." She muttered, reluctantly releasing the dog's large paw. "Who are you?" She demanded, fists against her hips. "You ain't supposed to be here!"

They seemed shocked that Hiro didn't know who they were, but Hiro simply stared blandly at them.

"We are the treasure hunter guild-" Bob-Cut said.

"Sylph Labyrinth!" Bad Hairline finished, pointing down at them, "And we're here to hunt the ultimate treasure! The Eternal Flame!"

"Doon!" Pompadour spoke unnecessarily.

Erza nodded sagely. "I understand."

One of them squawked, inferring something completely different from her words.

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