Crocus Preliminary

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No one thought anything of it when Hiro had begged her fellow slayers to train with her, in preparation for the Grand Magic Games, by going on some jobs. Well, no one but the people who've seen her train for the GMG.

"She's so competitive." Macao had said to Makarov, "and for the GMG? Dials turned to 11, even on jobs."

"It can't be that bad." Makarov waved off.

Macao blinked over at him, face deadpan, because they both knew Makarov was lying to himself.

"There are currently 6 dragon slayers on a mission, all with equally destructive magic - one of them being lethal -, being led by the official Fairy Tail's Storm Bringer, and they've been gone for nearly three months now."

Makarov, and anyone who heard the conversation, sweatdropped.

Makarov went pale, falling back onto the bar, his soul leaving his body at the thought.

Fairy Tail had gone to Crocus, where the games would be held, renting out an entire hotel for the designated time. The team, consisting of Elfman, Lucy, Natsu, Gray, and Erza, were told to be in their room before midnight, when the preliminary round was supposed to begin.

"So if you're late," Makarov declared to them, "I'm letting Hiro loose to find you."

The Team turned, curious looks on their faces, to see Hiro nearby. She wore a long-sleeved purple sweater, a black coat with white fur around the trim, gray tactical pants, and a pair of brown boots. Around her middle was a dark gray child's harness - custom made - with the same color of leash attached to the back. The leash was wrapped around Cobra's wrist. Upon closer inspection, they could see that several of the guild members around them, including Laxus, had spare leashes wrapped around their wrists like bracelets.

Hiro did not seem phased, a dopey grin on her face as her hands stroked along Bud's head, Spook riding in the wagon attached to the old dog's harness. She was talking to Wendy and her friends animatedly, rocking back-and-forth on her feet in excitement.

Behind her, on the wall of the hotel, was a sign;

Keep untrained dogs on a leash at all times while in Crocus.

Hiro turned to them, then, a large grin on her face and wild eyes zeroing in on them.

They shivered, along with any passersby that happened to be in her line of sight.

Cobra reached out and knocked against the back of her head. She let out an 'oof' whirling to face him with a glare.

"Cut it out." He snapped, "We're in public."

Cubellios hissed in agreement from around his shoulders.

"I'm just looking around Mamma!" Hiro said, a whine in her voice. "It's been a whole year since we've been in Crocus!"

"Because they said we couldn't bring you unless you're supervised by at least ten responsible members." Wendy arched her brow. "Five. You bit five people, Hiro. You aren't allowed to come on your own for the next year."

"WELL!" she said, offense in her voice as she, Wendy, Cobra and Laxus began walking away, Bud staying with MiraJane, Cubellios slithering away from Cobra to rest on the white-haired woman's shoulders. "Then they shouldn't have gotten in the way of my All-You-Can-Eat Ramen Competition! Besides, I was younger then!"

The last thing they heard before their voices faded completely was Erik's snort.

"That was literally two years ago. You're literally the reason they stopped doing those competitions."

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