Ch.1 Fucked up life

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Gazing down at the city you heaved out a sign, your father was waiting for you downstairs, to talk about your marriage. He arranged your marriage with a man without you knowing.

You felt suffocated. You felt helpless, you felt lonely. Your whole life was controlled by your father, as the only heir to the company you had too much of pressure. Your mother was always treated like trash, nobody listened to her.

Running your tongue over your lips, you gulped down feeling a knot in your throat, unwillingly you made your way down stair, you were halfway through the stairs when a deep, cold voice roared


you flinched rushing downstairs. Your mother was standing by your father with her head hung low, your father was glaring at her. You exactly knew what happened, she tried to convince him to cancel the marriage and he obviously disagreed. You closed your eyes, letting out a slight sign before siting down on a chair, far away from the two.

"get here!"

your father yelled pointing at the seat beside him, heaving another sign you made your way towards him. Sitting down.

"Better stop being a brat. Don't act like a bitch, you don't wanna be like your mother do you?"

He spats bitterly. Clutching on the fork, you wish to just stab it in his face but you couldn't, he never respected your mother nor you, going around having one-stands was still his hobby.

"Dad, don't bring mom into this"

You managed to defend your mother, who just stood there with her eyes glued to the floor.

"Or what huh? You were always a burden like your mother, now since I am throwing you away, what should I do to your mother?"

He spoke with a sinister smirk, a sudden fear took over you. All this time, you were here so he was this worse, once you'll be gone he'd probably kill her.

"Listen here. You are getting married next week, just please your husband as he wants. I don't want any complains or the conquenses would be bad. Did you get that?"

Your eyes welled up, he couldn't be your father, his harsh tone his harsh words, he was unbothered about you, well then again he never cared. As he saw you didn't reply, he fisted your hairs harshly

"Better answer me!! Did you got that?!"


"Yes what?!"

"Yes dad, I got that"

You struggled to free yourself, your mother helplessly stared at you with her teary eyes, she knew if she butts in, it would just go worse.

He pushed you away, a lone tear trailed down your cheek. He was abusive too.

Rising from his seat he grabbed a tissue wiping his lips, he left like nothing ever happened. Your eyes roamed around the dinning room only to find maids staring at you with concern and pity. Your mother rushed towards you, engulfing you in a tight hug she broke down.

"I-i am s-so s-o sorry my child, i couldn't b-be a g-ood mo-ther"

She said, chocking on her tears constantly, as she struggled to inhale oxygen, you patted her back to calm her down. Parting away you made her sit before crouching down at her level, cupping her face, your thumb ran over her cheeks, wiping her tears.

"Did you eat?"

You asked gently, still stroking her cheeks, she shook her head.

"Prepare a plate"

You ordered looking at a maid, you fed her yourself.

"Won't you eat?"

"I lost my appetite"

Passing a slight smile you walked away without any more words
Lying on the soft mattress of the bed, staring at the cieling, everything played in your mind like a movie, everything since you were born.

Your mother was second wife of your father, he killed the first one because she was infertile and couldn't give him a heir. He married your mother forcefully, when you were born, he was disappointed and raged. You were a female and he wanted a male to take over his mafia stuffs.

If not for your grandmother he would have killed you the day you were born. Your soon to be husband's grandmother was best friend of yours. So they decided to marry their grandchildren if they were the opposite gender. She never cherished you as her grandchild but as her best friend's daughter-in-law.

Since the day you've been born till this date, those 23 years were living hell for you. It wasn't like you didn't tried running away but... That was the most horrific moment of your life. You were thrown in the dark basement for 8 days without water or food, your father even beated you up.

A sob left your lips remembering everything.

'would the life be worse or better?'

'This lady hides a lot of pain in her heart'

'Little does she knows, this angel is gonna meet her devil'

'who'd protect her from everyone'


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