💕When I saw you again..💕

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Hiya, everybody! Thanks for all the reads, as usual. 😌👌 also Imao the picture at the top I love it 

(*Tries to think of something different to say*) 

But I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! I'm sorry, but I can't take it anymore, let's get these two beauties back together <3 

Also, I'd say this chapter is slightly short! A change from the other lengths lol

Ash's POV

As it was winter, it was starting to get colder, and it was lightly snowing. So that morning, I wore my blue puffer jacket, the only warm clothing I had. It was early, but I finally had the motivation to get up, for that I started packing everything, the next morning, terribly excited. I hadn't told Goh the news yet, but I couldn't wait to see him again. I knew I made the right decision, happier than I had ever been. Pikachu and all the other Pokemon seemed more happier than usual too. I'm sure this was the right decision for all of us. I stuffed the last few bits and bobs, and clothes, and stuff like that, into my bag, zipping it shut. I looked around the fancy apartment, Leon got for me, still feeling guilty I didn't been stay for that long to use it. After I traced my steps round the whole apartment one last time, I saw the collage on the wall, immediately taking it down, hugging it to my chest. "I'm coming back." I whispered, happily, my face brushing the edges of the paper, before placing it in my bag. I called for Pikachu, returning the Pokemon all to their poke-balls, and headed out, locking the door. 

I walk into the thin sheet of snow, and, soon enough, Leon and Joe, in the car, were both waiting at the apartment flat entrance. I ran up to Leon, a hand outstretched as I did so. I shook it, dutifully, as I reached him. Leon smiled. "I'm glad you figured it out!" I nod, smiling. "I can't thank you enough. I'm really sorry I only stayed for 2 months, and I learned a lot from you, nevertheless!" I exclaim. Leon shook his head. "No worries, it's been a pleasure, and I think I'll give the apartment to a next trainer, I feel like they might like it." He grinned. "I support you, every step of the way, remember that." Leon whispered into my ear. I bubbled to the brim with happiness. "T-Thanks so much! It means...so much!" I blurble. Leon patted me one last time. "Good luck with the rest of your journey. That means, both on and off the battle field." I nod, my eyes sparkling. "You too, Pikachu!" Leon exclaimed, rubbing his fur. Pikachu let out a, "Pika, Pika!" in pleasure. "Thanks again, so much." I say, while sitting in the car.

Joe smiles at me, before revving up the engine, and we slowly start to head off down the road, and I wind down the window, and wave back at Leon, who laughs, waving back. As soon as he's out of sight, I slip down back into my seat, feeling content, staring out the window, blowing the cool breeze against my face, and tiny snowflakes land on my nose, and cheeks. Joe looks at me in the rear-view mirror. "So? Heading Back 'home', right?" He smiles. I smile back. "Yes. Back home."

Goh's POV

It was snowing outside, and I was freezing, wanting to snuggle further into the duvet, but knowing I would have chores to do. I yawned, groaning, tossing the Applin to the side, and slipped out of bed, tripping down the ladder in my usual haste. Grookey giggled, seemingly. "Grookey...you join the others, for breakfast.." I mumble, half-awake. It nodded, running out the door, while I got ready, brushing my teeth, and slipping on my day clothes. My bare feet felt cold on the wood planks of the floor, so I popped some woolly socks on, and  I gave my hair a quick comb, and waved at Chloe, who had no school, and was reading in her room, next to Yamper, and Eevee sleeping on the floor. 

She smiled. "Sleep well?" She called out. I leaned against the doorframe. I shrugged, unconvincingly. "Meh." I mumble, rubbing my eyes. She grinned. "Of course you didn't." She sighed, rolling over on her tummy. "What you gonna do today?" She asked, tilting her head. I shrugged, yet again. "Maybe..take care of the Pokemon..oh yeah. Shovel off the snow...at the entrance...to the Lab" I reminded my self. Chloe nodded. "I suppose..I'll come help you in a few minutes?" She offered, and I nodded, gratefully, before heading off, to have a quick cereal bar for breakfast. I looked outside, watching the white snow build up on the groun, and sigh. I went to see if I had any warmer clothes, but only had a grey, winter puffy jacket, with the same logo as my jumper, so I slipped it on, shivering.

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