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Heyyy readers! Back at it with another chapter! Also in the last one, I forgot to say, that we don't know if Ash actually WILL win or loose in the Masters 8, (unless it's already happened when you're reading now!) but just for this story, I made my own version ☺️✌️

Hope you guys enjoy, as always-

And a special thanks to @wolfloverfriends ,who may not know it, but has been a real source of motivation for me to keep writing this book! ♥️😌 And of course, you wonderful readers too! 

Ash's POV

Goh had already head downstairs, to eat breakfast, and I was still getting changed from  my pyjamas. "Morning Pikachu!" I say, happily. Pikachu twitches its ears in reply, I tuck on my blue jacket, and pop my cap onto my head. "Let's go!" I say, running downstairs.

It's a chaotic morning, as usual, well, mostly for Chloe whose rushing around trying to get ready for school, while Yamper keeps barking at her constantly, and Eevee yapping at her heels. "Guys! Dad? Can't you keep Yamper with Parker sometimes?" Chloe sighed, petting them to keep them quiet. "Parker insists you're  the only one Yamper likes!" Professer Cerise smiled. She smiles a little, "Yamper? Look, you can stay with Eevee today! I'll head off, but don't you go pestering everybody, okay?" She ordered. I smiled at her. She really has come a way, from not liking Pokemon much. "I'll see you all later!" She yells behind her shoulder, after running out. We all wave back at her, and I head off to the dining room.

Goh smiles at me when he sees me. I smile back, enthusiastically. "Hi, Ash!" He says. I sit opposite him on the table, after grabbing some bread and butter. "Hiya" I slump opposite, while Pikachu heads off to eat Pokemon food outside. "Sleep well?" He asked, while eating one of his pancakes. "Yeah!" I say, stretching. There was an awkward silence. "So.." Goh coughed. "What you gonna do today? Training?" He asks. I shrug, "Probably, not much else to do." He looks unusually uncomfortable. "Something wrong?"'I tilt my head, in confusion. He shakes his head. "Nope. Just asking." He mutters.

I was about to say something, when suddenly, my phone rings in my pocket. "Hm?" I say, looking down at the number on screen. "I don't recognise this number but.." I pressed the answer button, and gave Goh a signal I was just going to take a call. I head outside, after closing the door, and the last person I expected to answer was..

"LEON?!" I shout in shock.

I hear Leon laugh on the other end, saying "Hi there, Ash! You doing good?" I blink a few times. "Y-Yeah..." I stutter, hardly believing he was talking to me. "How did you get my numbe-" I stuttered, but he answered, "Professer Cerise? He gave it me, after I wanted to talk to you.." He explains. My eyes sparkled. "You wanted to...t-talk to me?..." i was literally about to melt. Leon, the world champion! Wanted to talk to me! Pikachu ran from its food bowl, as he heard me talking and jumped on my shoulder in interest, nestling his head closer to the phone screen. "Yes! I was going to ask you, after our incredible battle yesterday..." I nod enthusiastically, saying, "mhm..." I could hear his Pokemon at the other end, and I smiled. "Well, I thought I could help you train? You really are an interesting trainer Ash, and I would be delighted to help you with your dream! You see, after battling me, you have become quite popular with everyone, and people would love to see you back again...I thought while I go to the next region over and battle, you could too!" He exclaimed.

I almost dropped my phone. Pikachu watched me in confusion. My mouth was literally dropped open, and I was thinking of all the possibilities I could achieve... "Ash!" He said, loudly.  I shook my head, paying attention back to Leon. "Sorry!! I'm just, so, WOW! Thank you SO much Leon!" I gabbled, with excitement. He laughed fondly at the other end. "I'm glad you're excited! Do you want to?" He asked. "O-Of course!" I cheered, feeling like I wanted to burst.

❤️ Satogou stories 💙Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang