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hiya, thanks for anyone who wanted to read the rest of the book from the first chapter! And also for the few votes too I don't deserve <3 

Also, in my story, Chloe has a bit of a different personality than in the series 😌✌️


Goh's POV

My alarm clock started to beep, at 8 am in the morning. I yawned, trying to wake myself up, wondering why i set it quite early. I wasn't in the mood to try to go back to sleep. As I climbed down the ladder, I looked on the top of the drawer in our shared room, and Ash had placed the picture we took in Alola, yesterday, on top. I smiled, i had a great time with Ash's Alola friends, just how he said we would. I was about to leave, but stopped at the doorway. I looked over at Ash on the bottom bunk, who was snoring gently in sync with pikachu, lying on his stomach. "Pikachu...use..iron tail." He muttered and Pikachu twitched his ears in reply. 

I sighed to myself, dreamily. He was so adorable. I snapped myself out of it, and closed the door as gently as I could. As I went down, I could already hear everybody running around busily. I forgot me and Ash were normally the last ones to wake up. Chloe spotted me and blinked.

"You're up early." narrowing her eyes, as if I was planning to play a prank on her. "I just couldn't sleep." I replied, without hesitation. I poured myself a glass of water, until I realised that Chloe was in her outside clothes, and it was the weekend.

"Where you off to?" I asked curiously. "Well..I'm just going to the Pokemon cafe, that opened near the lab, why?" Chloe said. "Just askin." I mumbled. I cleared my throat after putting my cup in the sink. "You could always come along with me and Ash?" I suggested. I hadn't spent time wth Chloe in a good while, and even though I loved being around Ash, I missed her company sometimes. She didn't say anything. "Chloe?.." I wavered. 

"Why would I come with you guys? I'm sure you two would spend SO much time with each other,  you would probably even forget I'm there." She sighed. "Goh? I'm glad you've found a 'friend' well arceus knows what he is to you, but I miss spending time with you as well.."

I didn't realise Chloe felt that way. I knew she didn't have a crush on me, but we had been close childhood friends for as long as I remember. "I-I'm sorry Chloe" I whispered. "I'm not used to anyone WANTING to spend time with me-" 

Chloe put a hand on my shoulder. "I know. But I sometimes miss the days, with just us spending time together. "Me too.." i sighed. "Tell you what, we could do something tomorrow?" She smiled at me. "Sure goh, but if Ash has plans then.." She wavered, guesturing. "It's alright, we can all do something together, and we'll include you!" I reassured her. "Ok, ok, well I'm heading off with Eevee and Yamper now," giving me a quick smile. "And have fun with your flirting sessions with Ash."

"MY WHAT?!" I screeched, blushing furiously. She turned around, and looked me straight in the eye. "You don't think I don't realise? Come on goh, I'm not stupid." She raised an eyebrow. "I was about to protest, but she had already shut the door, and set off with Eevee and Yamper. I sometimes forgot Chloe's good moods could mean constantly annoying me in different ways. Which was probably now going to be involving Ash. I sighed, stirring sugar, in my tea, propping my head up with my hand, leaning on the counter. Was it really that obvious that I liked Ash?

And as if on queue, Ash marched into the kitchen, all smiles. I raised an eyebrow. "You're up earlier than usual. And in a good mood." I added. Normally trying to drag Ash out of bed would make him all frowns. "I know right? Progress." He plopped down on the chair at the dining table, on his rotom phone. 

Basically hinting he wanted me to make breakfast for him. 

I sighed, But because it was Ash I gave in. "So. What you planning tod-" I got interrupted by Ash who said excitedly, "Oh! I was waiting for you to ask that." He replied, Grinning. "I wanted to meet up with one of my Kalos, friends, Serena!" I could literally see the stars in his eyes, glistening with anticipation. "Serena?.." I muttered, trying to think back about when Ash told me about his previous adventur-

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