I laid down and maneuvered myself to lay on his chest, "What time do you wanna go?"

His arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer to him, "I'm thinking around six, we can get some dinner and then figure out the rest as we go. Sound good?"

I reached down to grab my phone and check the time, '1:07' plenty of time to nap and still get ready.

"Sounds good"

In a matter of seconds i had fallen asleep wrapped in his arms.

I slept way longer than i had anticipated, i woke up at 4:30 still wrapped around Austin. When i realized what time it was i hopped up immediately to get in the shower.

Since i didn't know exactly what our plans were i wasn't sure how to dress, i asked Austin and all he said was a dress. Men know nothing because a dress covers many categories, a t-shirt dress is not the same as a ball gown so i still had no clue.

Eventually i settled on a pink thin strapped dress that fell right above my knee and a pair of nude heels to match. We all know i'm not one for heels but i've been practicing and feel much more confident leaving the house in them without injuring myself now.

When i stepped out of the bedroom Austin was leaning against the door way looking down at his phone, on cue he heard my heels click against the floor and his eyes looked up from the phone and scanned me up and down.

He put both hands in his pockets and walked towards me, "mmm" Was the response i got along with a small bite to his lower lip.

"Is this dress okay?"

"Okay doesn't begin to cover how you look right now"

His hands stroked down my arm before he brought it up to the strap of my dress running a finger along the fabric, "You are making it real hard to wanna leave the house right now."

I took a second to take him in, he was dressed in an all black outfit with his leather boots. Whenever he was dressed in all black i had a hard time keeping my hands to myself, the way black clothing looked on him along with his dark hair brought out the sinful side of me, and he damn well knew it.

"Let's go before i change my mind and that pretty dress ends up on the floor"

I laughed and shook my head at him as we walked towards the door.

Throughout dinner the low cut of my dress tempted Austin's eyes down toward my chest more times than he would probably care to admit, after about the fifth time of catching him i tilted my head down to meet his eyes, "My eyes are up here Mr.Butler"

He let a small laugh out and his face flushed after being caught, "I'm sorry it's not intentional"

"Mhm, sure it's not"

It felt nice to just be with him again, take a break from the craziness that our life had turned into.

As we left the restaurant and headed towards the car i felt Austin's grip tighten in my hand.

"Come on, hurry and get in."

I looked around confused as to why i was being hurried, i caught a glimpse of two men standing across the street with cameras pointed in our direction. I sat down in the car and he rushed around the back to get into the drivers seat. The men must have seen him hurrying because they tried to quickly approach our car while there cameras were flashing.

it all started in vegasWhere stories live. Discover now